
How would you spend an unexpected million dollar windfall?

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I did not recieve a windfall- just want to know how others would spend it if they did




  1. i always wanted to build a log cabin for my mom.

    then i'd build a Rescue Resort for people who rescue animals. our own little town.

  2. Invest, the market is S****y.  If it comes up from the bottom of the ocean you can make a killing.

  3. Save it until I move out and can actually use it.

  4. Personally,

    I'd put it in the bank and live off the interest

    1million generates about 30k a year in interest

  5. 1) Pay off my student loans.

    2) Send my parents on a cruise to Alaska. (We didn't have a lot of money when I was a kid, and they sacrificed so much so my sister and I could do things like dance lessons, even though we couldn't really afford it.)

    3) Buy a house. Nothing fancy, just an average house, probably $150-200K.

    4) Invest the rest. And live like I didn't have it, I would still try to live off whatever salary/wages I was making from working.


  6. fix the house up and  maybe do some landscaping. buy a pickup  and save/invest the rest for retirement. I live simply  

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