
How would you start a charity organization?

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how to organize an event where the proceeds go to charity and what advice do you have/ideas/who would you talk to?




  1. to start an organisation of charity ,u must make an advertisment between ur friend tell him that u know poors people to help and explain ur subject .this takes a time to persuad them .

  2. You seem to be asking two different things: how to start a charity and how to organize an event to raise money for charity.  

    If you want to start your own nonprofit, I suggest you do some more research before you do so. There are thousands of nonprofits existing and the competition for funding is tremendous. If you are in an urban community, this is especially true. If you are in a rural community, there are not many local funders and it can be even more challenging to raise money.  Rather than start a new organization, contact an organization that works in the same area of interest you have and see if you can't collaborate with them on a program.  They already have the expertise and experience.

    To start a nonprofit charity, which is called a 501c3 charity, you must first complete the application from the IRS  and pay the filing fee, up to $750. I suggest you get an attorney or cpa to volunteer to help you do this.  The application is long and you will have to have things like a board of directors, bylaws, etc....pretty much everything you will have when you are actually operating a charity.

    On the IRS website or on the Foundation Center's website,, at their faq's, you will find a link on how to start a nonprofit organization.  They have a list that tells you the steps involved besides just filing with IRS.

    Once you file the application it can take anywhere from one to six months or longer depending on many factors. There are other things you have to do like register in your state, incorporate, check with city, county and state for more information.

    You also need to connect with The Foundation Center to learn more about fundraising.  They are a nonprofit organization that operates over 340 free nonprofit libraries around the country...some are within public libraries, some are free-standing, depending on which city you are in. The Foundation Center is the expert research organization on nonprofit fundraising.  They have done all the research and developed a free database of funders and what areas they give to, along with other indexes.  You will need sponsors for your event, and this is the best place to identify prospects.

    To find a library near you, when you visit their website go to Locations. If you are not in a city where their 5 central libraries are, click on Cooperating Collections and you can find libraries in every state.

    The second question about how to organize an event to raise money for a charity involves lots of planning, organization and checklists.  Nonprofits who do lots of special events each have a Special Event Fundraiser.  You might be able to contact a medium to large size nonprofit and speak to one of their special event fundraisers who would spend 30 minutes sharing with you.  In our city all nonprofits work well together, so this person could act as a mentor or teacher to you as long as you aren't raising money for a cause similar to theirs.

    At the Foundation Center libraries I mentioned, you can also find books, with checklists, on how to do special events.  Visit the library and make copies of the checklists, read the books, and learn.  I have worked as the director of a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits raise money for 8 1/2 years, and donors of all kinds say good fundraisers "do their homework".  Learn as much as you can; good special event fundraisers work hard and are hard to find.  

    What I do know is the best special event fundraisers use these tools:

    Planning - most start planning one year in advance; get your location booked especially because the good ones go quickly

    Committee - they have a host committee, which is a committee that basically doesnt have to do anything but let you put their name on you invitation as a host committee member;  you also need a good working committee, the people who will actually do work with you

    Timeline/calendar - you need a good calendar with all the key deadlines on it to keep your event details on time

    Money - you will need money up front to pay for things up front; this is where sponsorships come in

    Finally, you will need to be very organized.  Special events have lots of details and you have to be a detail person who can anticipate different senarios "just in case" something unexpected, rain for a golf tournament.

    Well planned special events can raise a lot of money for a charity.  Visit the Foundation Center library and their faq's to learn as much as you can.

    Good luck.  Hope this helps.  Teresa

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