
How would you stop people carrying knives?

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metal detectors in shopping centres/public places?




  1. fine shops and ppl for sellin them to people under 18

  2. My knife is very handy, so back off.

  3. Boot Camps.

  4. Shoot them ......... on site. No questions asked.

    Do a Jean Charles De Menezez on them ........

  5. That would be a pain. People would have to take out there keys and everything.

  6. Screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....          :-o

  7. give em gunz instead

  8. WHAT?  what kind of question is this?  how about give everybody on earth x ray goggles and when they see someone say "GET RID OF THAT KNIFE!!"  either that or give a death sentence to every caught with a knife...or how about both!!!

  9. Stroger punishment for the possesion of knives and an greater rate of random knife searches. Knife amnesties would work too

  10. wrong!  there are many knives,weapons that will go right through a metal detector..forget that............hey,ask the Brits...they thought banning guns would solve all their problems,now their crime rate involving knives is through the roof...ask'em how they're gonna solve the problem?!! (by the way banning guns didn't work either!)....maybe they'll ban knives---then the thugs will go with baseball bats...and the beat goes on!  Here's the point..if I wanna hurt you, I'll hurt you with anything I can get my hands on to hurt you with....what do we do, ban everything made???? Stiffer penalties,courts that aren't a joke, etc.are the answer,not pretending we can eliminate crime by eliminating "things"......just for kicks--you can kill someone with a good strong ice cicle off the gutter of your house..when it melts-no evidence..what do we do there..ban frozen rain?

  11. In the late 50`s early 60`s in Glasgow it was the `in` thing to carry a cut-throat razor and many horrific slashings ensued.

    The judiciary started to hand out 5 year sentences for carrying one and a minimum 10 year sentence for using one, the problem faded in no time.

    Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

  12. After the first offense, nail their hands to their elbows.

    Recidivism will reach an all-time low.

  13. My questions to you are, Why have you asked this question?, and why would you want to stop people from carrying knives in public places?

    I've carried a pocket knife all my life and it has come in handy more times than I can remember. I also have a concealed carry permit, and  have a handgun on my person at all times. In 50 years I've had to draw my weapon only twice, thus saving my life and that of my wife on both occasions.

    Is it your belief then that honest, law abiding citizens should be deprived of their first amendment rights? Please, I would like to hear your answer. Would you be kind enough to email me and explain your position on this subject?

  14. 1 Year Minimum Sentence.

  15. stab them.

  16. I don't think its entirely possible to abolish the need to feel 'safe' nowadays. With the hype on the news about all the danger in the streets people are turning to 'self-protection'. They think it can be done with knives and sometimes even guns when really the only thing they're doing is increasing the amound of weapons on the street, therefore heightning the stigma, and making things worse. Some carriers have even had to resort to its use which puts them not in the 'aware citizen protecting themself' role but makes them just as bad as the things they fear. The 'need' for weapons is growing, it will be hard to stop it or even damper its growth.

  17. program some nut cases to commit attrocities with knifes.. then you can get the liberal law passers to make it illegal to carry them...

    at that point in time you could use a magneto type scanning device.

  18. Stronger sentences if caught with a knife, but education on the dangers of weapons from an early age may help.

    A leak police report blames  mass immigration from other EU countries where carrying a knife is part of everyday living for some of the knife crime in the UK.

  19. all  school to have metal detectors, the sort they have at the airport.

    knives in kitchens locked away

    anyone caught carrying a knife, sorry mandatory 5 year jail.

    obviously there are a few exceptions but one would have to have a licence.

    stop and search by police

    there are ways if the police/law/government act, but they won't

  20. you cant really stop them because i could carry a knife and im 13. its not like a gun were you have to have a lisence to own and carry anyone can buy one and carry one. so youre gonna have to suck it up because the goverment is never gonna pass a lay saying "you must have a lisence to carry a knife" because i bet you all those guys have knifes.. so my advise is if your scared someone is gonna stab you either buy a gun (Glock 17 or 9mm will do) and get a lisence to carry or just buy a knife cuz its nevr going away.

  21. tell them to keep it in the car so that way it doesn't go off

  22. Send them straight to jail for a month without a court hearing.

  23. Allow soldiers/police/martial artists (who are fully trained and skilled in numerous forms of weaponry) to carry any weapon they are fully trained in and give them the legal powers to use them if they are attcked.

    Soon all the mindless thugs who are unskilled cowards would either be a) dead or b) too scared too carry because they know they might get some back.

    Quite simple really.

  24. with my Chinese throwing stars

  25. Just shoot them!

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