
How would you stop the illegal alians from entering the U.S.A.

by Guest59232  |  earlier

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What would you do ?




  1. i would give amnesty to anyone who comes here to work hard.

  2. Hey! meester, it's spelled Aliens.

    I wouldn't! Because it's not my job. That's why my tax dollars pay for the Border Patrol to do it. Are they going to do my job?.......I don't think so!  The minutemen thought they could do it, but people lost faith in them, and that's why thier donations are very very low now.

  3. idk dude

  4. help the ones who are working in the fields and doing the jobs we don't want to do by charging the Mexican government to deport the drunk and drug abusing ones back. We help the hard workers on their road to citizenship and you leave the drunks and the drug runners in a raft about 1000 miles off the coast of California. we make it legal for them to come under the condition that they try for citizenship and there children have to go to school and learn english or they will be deported. failure of any of these policies results in joining the crew on the raft. they can also get a deal if they are willing to work for 3 bucks an hour in the hot sun to supply our food to us, they don't have to pay taxes.

    It would be a win win. the ones who work hard for the American dream can become Americans. the druggies can not only be deported to come back again but can be "gotten rid of" and the farmers will still be able to produce food and cotton at an affordable price so America doesn't starve itself. putting up some lame costly fence does nothing and doesn't fix any sort of a problem.  

  5. Go after the employers, and tighten our identification cards.  Above all else at this point.. maintain the Border Patrol.

    To stop the narcotics... you need the military on the border for a while.

  6. i would enforce our existing laws on illegal or undocumented aliens and impose a real penalty on companies owners and the government leaders of the city and state that break these laws

    as it stands now  there isn't even a slap on the wrist which give the illegals and their supporters a sense of entitlement

  7. shut all possible ways of getting in, and allow NO more aliens in at all.

    Then toss out all of those that aren't here legally, and let this country rrecover, by giving all the jobs back that were sent over seas, by barring all the corporations from doing any trading with foriegn countries. So that would mean if its made in china, it would not be allowed to come here. No more killing our kids on cheap toys that have no monotoring system.

    bascially become the USSR for a while

  8. I would take away any reason for them to come here. Any business caught hiring them would lose their business and serve time in prison. Illegals would receive no social or medical care. I would also consider closing the border.

  9. Vote Bob Barr!

    The only candidate with a strong stance against illegal immigration who wants to attack it at it's heart...all the government programs that allow them to leech billions of American taxpayer dollars! If enough people care about the issues America is facing, Bob Barr will win!

  10. Drastically reduce the incentives to come here - starting with enforcing the laws against hiring illegals.

    Hit the employers where it hurts - fines, etc. - and the illegals will self-deport.

  11. Lower the incentives. There is a report that 1.5 Million have already gone home because comprehensive immigration reform was not passed by the congress.

  12. as long as we have lazy Americans well need undocumented immigrants, so the answers is no way.

  13. Name fidel and chavez as rulers of the usa

    People will run on water to escape

  14. make it nearly impossible for them to get a job or passing out bugged SSN and seeing how many get zapped.

    Tell them that all the rules that they have to live by in mexico apply to them still and it'll be 10 times stricter. And watch them all go back to where they came from.

    Then again, they don't live by those rules either. So, that would be a waste of time.

  15. actually enforce our laws

  16. Actually we are already using the best method to keep illegal aliens out. We are destroying our country. You see, by our economy failing, fighting a pointless war, and allowing a corrupt political system we are actually stopping illegal aliens from entering the U.S.A. It is brilliant plan. Like using a cr*ppy phone so no one will steal it.

  17. Shut down businesses that hire them.  If legals start losing jobs because the company hired a few illegals they will be plenty pissed and they will do something about it.  

    Put the illegals and people who approved their hiring in labor camps for 5 years then deport them.  Chain them up and let them clean our country up.  We give them a room (like a jail), 3 meals a day (like a jail), no entertainment, no education, and only enough health care to keep them reasonably heathly, and no pay.  If they try to run off or get into any trouble we double their time.

  18. FENCE... possibly electric.. along the border...

    ARMED patrols (with authority to shoot as they see fit)...

    Chain Gangs and a MISERABLE existance in "Joe Rapario-type tent prisons" for any illegal caught in the US committing a crime....

    LARGE fines for any company caught hiring illegals...

    NO access to US schools or hospitals....

    Use "Border Patrol" as training for Military units...

    Its a pretty good start.....

  19. Start with a complete shut down of our porous borders, using continue well armed patrols. Then enact harsh penalties on those companies or individuals that employ undocumented workers. Seize any property of know illegals in this country, houses, bank accounts, automobiles etc.. Penalize property owners who rent apartments or houses to undocumented aliens. Freeze all Mexican National assets here in the US and force those countries who wish to continue doing business with the US to do the same until such a time that the Mexican Government starts properly policing it's own borders.

  20. 1.   Put Joe Arepio in charge of all Boarder patroland INS.

    2. Build the fence

    3. Build LARGE LARGE PRISONS  of the US side of the boarder

    any illegals caught go there. Make them work in camp growing food for

    americans for ZERO PAY for one year then deport them.


    Anyone whom wants to file for LEGAL staus is welcome, and I wish them all the luck in the world and hopr they do great.

    But if the first act the commit upon entering this country is , an illegal act then they need to go to jail, they should have ZERO RIGHTS, and they need to be deported 1 year later.

    and their ability to apply for legal staus should be revoked for 5 years.

    Each person arrested should be photographed and finger printed as well. So as to identify them upon return legally or illegally.

  21. Bring about 350 thousand battle harden vets back home from the Mideast war and Liberate Mexico. Why we have to go all across the world to liberate and do nothing for poor Mexico is astonishing. Mexico needs to be freed and absorbed into the U.S. as more states. This would end immigration and give the Mexicans some identity rather than as slaves to be exploited. The cost would be great but the people of Mexico would be free.

  22. I would implement a zero tolerance policy. No benefits of any kind would be allowed for illegals period. Any crime that is committed would result in incarceration followed by deportation with the threat of capital punishment if they are caught on American soil again. It is harsh but it would work. Other then that I'd let the ones that are here stay here; they would be required to fund their own education and their children would be ineligible for any grants. Any gang affiliation would result in immediate banishment under the pain of death; it's a form of amnesty but they certainly wouldn't be getting any free rides and the USA wouldn't seem so attractive to them.



  24. for starters,  fine the employers that are hiring them so heavily that they either have to play by the rules or go out of business. Secondly,  STOP welfare benefits EVEN if the kids are legally born in USA.. That's the main reason they come here.. It's not for jobs. They could go to any other country and get jobs but we are the only country that gives them the free stuff. STOP letting their kids attend public school.. they can start their own school & come up with money to support it. This would stop the FREE lunches and all the money wasted on interpretors, etc.Pass a law that any baby born in US to illegal parents do NOT automatically qualify as citizens.. there needs to be stricter ways to verify soc. sec. numbers of these people and matching services. Instead of just ss#, they have to have birth certificates OR legal immigration papers to access any services.. welfare, college, etc.  

  25. Start by cracking down on Sanctioned Cities.  As long as they have a safe haven to go to they will continue to bring other people in.  Round up all the illegals and pay them to put the fence up.  Then dump them on the other side when it is complete.  Put wind mills on the top of the fence for power and have some of the electricity run into the river so when someone tries to cross they get electrocuted.

    If they want to come here they need to do it the right way and they need to learn English.  Everyone else did.  Why do we seem to be bowing down to the Spanish speaking communities?  Learn the language and follow the laws.  I wouldn't go to Mexico and expect them to speak English because that is the only language I know.  Look at the Asian countries, China, Japan, etc.  They teach English in their schools.  We spend extra money hiring Spanish speaking teachers so they don't have to learn English.  That money could be better spent on something for all students.

  26. Good answers so far and that is probably the only way to stop the enforcing the laws that we already have in place instead of allowing them to be here "illegally" with no repercussions for breaking the law.  

    Unfortunately they get just about everything for free here and have cash in their pockets to spare when the average US citizens are lucky to have a buck left after taxes and bills.  Their kids get a good education with free meals while we spend gobs of money on bilingual teachers and books.  They get free medical care because hospitals can't turn them away which makes my health insurance almost unbearable to pay for.  I could go on and on.  So...why wouldn't they come?  We practically hold their hands across the border congratulating them for coming over instead of upholding the laws

  27. Doesn't logic itself teach us that you don't kill a snake by beating its tail? As long as we continue to concentrate our efforts on the border (a fence or other pipe dream) we are beating the snakes tail. Concentrate on the head of the snake, or you'll probably end up getting bit.

    Every one knows why they come here, it's jobs. Who are the real lawbreakers, desperate people looking for work, or those who profit from them, those who fight all efforts to remove the jobs incentives, who gain from cheap slave labor?

    There are laws on the books right now to arrest and deport the desperate people looking for work, but, impunity for those who create the problem and then exploit them.

    The answer? We already have e-verify, that is if our present incompetant congress will extend it, we have state employment offices, right?

    I apply for a job at xyz manufacturing and am hired. I go to work as soon as I bring in my verification from my state employment office. No new bureaucracies needed they already exist. No lawsuits by the offenders seeking to keep their slavery intact

    Employers must have the required virification or pay the expense of prosecution proceedings to astablish deportation, for the cost of deportation, and court costs. the head of the snake dies and we can forget about the tail, at a bargain.  

  28. The same way I keep them from getting into my house. Put locks on all the doors and windows.

    If you knock on the door in the middle of the day and introduce yourself, I will happily invite you in.

    If you break in through a window in the middle of the night, I will put 2 in your chest and 1 in your head.

    There is never, ever, under any circumstance, a valid excuse to break into somebody elses private property without their knowledge.

  29. You have two options because walls and fences do not work.

    1) You can reduce the living standards in your country to the point where they are not interested in coming in. Then you have to build a wall to prevent your own citizens leaving. Soviets tried that in Berlin. Not a good plan.

    2) You can hunt the people who employ them down and prosecute them. Fines are not enough, you must execute illegal employers.

    It would only take 30 well publicized executions of illegal employers to end the practice. One mass trial, one mass firing squad.

    If you do anything less you just waste police resources and allow corrupt politicians to subvert the process.

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