
How would you summarize WICCA? I confess I find it interesting?

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Without launching into a detailed answer, can someone explain their point of view on Wicca? Where do you think it stands against other religions?




  1. Wicca is a Pagan religion established before Christianity.

  2. Wicca is a new pagan religion based on the ancient pagan religions.

    It is Earth-based, and there are many different branches.

    Wicca, in large part if not wholly, sees all Gods and Goddesses as One God and One Goddess.

    Acceptance of others is a large part of their belief system, therefore in regards to other religions acceptance is given- but they would also like it reciprocated.  

  3. Wicca, a newer offshoot of Paganism, is an earth-based peaceful religion whose core rule is "harm none". Wiccans don't sacrifice humans or animals, as they find all life sacred.

    Its followers are accepting of other religious beliefs and believe that we all have our own paths-- thye realize that their path isn't for everyone. They don't try to convert people, and won't even teach minors their religion without the parents consent.  

  4. Merry Meet,

    Wicca is an Earth-centered Pagan religion that recognizes the need for balance. Wicca centers around the idea of Nature as alive, and as such, the Earth should be respected. All plants, animals, and peoples are also to be respected as sacred. This is a very general outline.

    There are many different Traditions under the umbrella term of Wicca, such as Alexandrian, British, Celtic, Caledonii, Dianic, Eclectic, Gardnerian, Kitchen Witch, Pictish, Saex-Wica, Strega, Teutonic, Faery Wicca, Shamanistic Wicca, and Pow-Wow just to name a few. Though Strega and Caledonii usually don't consider themselves part of Wicca and Pictish usually refers to themselves as Heathens.

    A Solitary Wiccan is one who practices alone. They may have been a member of a coven or circle previously or may be in the future.

    A Coven is a group of Wiccans who practice rituals, Sabbats or Esbats together.

    An Eclectic Wiccan may be Solitary or a member of a Coven or circle. Eclectic Wiccans are as the word is defined, eclectic. They take bits and pieces (or sometimes chunks) of different traditions and use it in their own private practice.

    Magick is commonly used among Wiccans, but it is not necessarily a part of the Wiccan religion. Just like not all Wiccans read Tarot Cards or Runes, but is an option for use.

    All Wiccans are Pagan by definition, but not all Pagans are Wiccan and some Wiccans don’t see themselves as Pagans at all. It's all personal choice really.

    I hope my blurp has helped some.

    Always in Light and Love



    What is Wicca?    

    Wicca is a contemporary spiritual religion, based on and reviving the ancient pre-Christian pagan religions of Europe.  Wiccans believe in a divine force or power as the source of all.  It is both immanent and transcendent while encompassing the whole universe.  Therefore the world and all aspects within the world, "nature" and "life itself" in particular, are considered sacred.

    I think it is a good thing to beleive in when compared to other religion. because it is not trying to claim a "god" we must follow.

  6. Wicca is a modern pagan, polytheistic, duotheistic, pantheistic, magick, will based religion.  

  7. Wicca is an attempt to recreate pre Christian Western European religions.  It was founded by Gerald Gardner in 1938 and expanded by Alex Sanders and Doreen Valientes.  Gardner and Sanders never got along and two of the most common traditions are the Gardnerian, based on the teaching of Gardner, and Alexandrian, based on the teachings of Sanders.  It is essentially a nature based, duotheistic faith stressing balance and harmony with the world around us.  The basic creed is "So it harm none, do what you will."

  8. Wicca is a modern, some might say post-modern, polytheistic religion with a minimum of two gods. It is divided into traditions with vastly different levels of knowledge. Some trads are good, some not so good.

  9. I confess I am not an expert, I have only started studying it recently due to several wiccan friends on here, but aside from my answer, which I suspect will be fairly bare bones, I'll star for my contacts.

    Wicca is a religion started circa 1954. It is a religion that is duotheistic, in that all gods are one god and all goddesses are one goddess. It was started by Gerald Gardner who based it off of many older things, such as British Traditional Witchcraft, Alchemy, O.T.O and the Order of the Golden Dawn.

    It believes in a balance of all things, including nature, and the sanctity of iit, from what I have gathered. There are many sects of Wicca, but in general it is a very peace loving, earth-loving religion, that may include magic or witchcraft but does not necessarily so.

    Many people suggest for better information than I could give.

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