
How would you summarize health and safety at work?

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How would you summarize health and safety at work?




  1. I have been a H&S officer and I would say that through experience that 70% of the time it IS the fault that the breach in H&S is caused by the employee through ignorance or sheer I have been doing my job this way for 20 years why should I change now?

  2. overrated... I cut my finger a few weeks back and had to go to the hospital as the first aider at work wasnt 'allowed' to put steri strips on the wound. This is polotics gone mad... if I give my consent whats the problem? its my fault then if something happens.... turned out that steri strips was all that was needed anyway so after gettin a free ride to n from hospital by a proper business insured employee wasting money and time I could have done the job myself and saved alot of agro...

    I understand importance and safety issues but steri strips worked in the past so why have first aiders at work if all they can do is accompany you to a hospital???

  3. Look wher you're going & don't walk on a WET floor dude!....

  4. Extremley useful especially in dangerous jobs and sometimes the only resource workers can use against badly run jobs and rogue employers.

  5. i have just finished a health and saftey module at college if youre more specific i can help

  6. Doing the best that can be done but there are too many people that are ruining it for the rest of us, like people that abuse workers compensation and so on.

  7. Be healthy and safe.

  8. your company has a responsibility to make you aware of the dangers of the job,provide safety wear and train you to a safe operating level.THEN YOUR RESPONSIBLITY IS --to take reasonable steps to ensure your own safety,to wear your safety equipment at all times,to follow the safety rules and regulations as laid down,and not to contribute to your own injuries or personal danger ,ie,use short cuts.You are both equally liable to prosecution under the health and safety at work act.

  9. I think it should be renamed 'common sence at work'. It's getting to the point now when a risk assessment is needed to go for a poooo. It's a shame it has all been hijacked by people who have got nowt else to do but make everyone's life a pain and cost companies a lot of money because some of the legislation has and will save lives. On that basis I guess it has to continue.

  10. Basic common sense...!

    Using the right equipment for the task your undertaking.

  11. be very careful.

  12. It is a lot of people taking away the personal responsibility for their own safety and making others liable if they do something wrong,

  13. Laughable nowadays.

  14. Your employer has a duty of care to make the workplace safe, this includes any machinery as well as safe working practices.

    The employee also has a duty of care to himsefl/herself and other employees.

    Basically this means that building must be safe(lights in dark areas etc) any equipment must be maintained and the staff trained to use it and you must not put anyone at risk of injury.

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