
How would you symbolize the statement "I will love you unless you kiss me"?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I would use the symbol of a jackass.

  2. Some logic books translate 'unless' as a disjunction, while other logic books translate 'unless' as a conditional. The two forms of translation are logically equivalent.

    For the English form ‘P unless Q’,  the translations;

    P v Q

    ~Q -> P

    are “tied” with respect to truth conditions.  The first translation, P v Q, is easier to apply mechanically once this pattern has been simply memorized.  But the second, ~Q -> P, better reflects human cognition in understanding the English ‘unless’.  For in understanding the English form ‘P unless Q’, ~Q is taken to be an explanatory precondition for P.  An explanatory precondition is more easily processed as the antecedent of a conditional.

    Symbolization key:

    L = I will love you

    K = You kiss me

    Disjunction ( v = unless/or):

    L v K

    Conditional ( -> = if/then):

    ~K -> L

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