
How would you tame a wild woodbine?

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How would you tame a wild woodbine?




  1. kindly and patiently ;)

  2. give it lotsa quarters!!!!

  3. keep it trimmed and prune it often. scream at it as loud as you can if necessary, spray it with bleach.

  4. Try a hoarse whisperer  yes I can spell

  5. Threaten it with Alan Titchmarsh.

  6. Introduce it to a tree hugger.

  7. 'Roundup' it until it's gone!!

  8. phone Mary Whitehouse, she could tame anyone

  9. first you have to get it to trust you , feed it the same time every day and speak softly. don';t make any starling moments or loud noises that could scare it ....tmm

  10. a little chain saw works magic!!!

  11. I don't know how to tame it but, it's called the Carolina  Woodbine. I do know the juice from it is deadly poison.So  I would be very careful..If you're talking about a vine but, if if you're talking about an animal I'd talk to a vet.

  12. LMAO!! Ditto what TheMrMike said.

  13. Smoke it.

  14. I would train it to a trellis, you need my mum, she doesn't only have a green thumb she has a green head. She would tell you everything you need to know about clematis.

  15. Put it in a cage with Wolfbane and Snapdragon!

  16. Personally I would get John  Player from the Senior Service to take the Woodbine down Park Drive to beat it with Sweet Aftons in front of a Super King  and then subject it to a No. 6 or State Express with a three 5's before laying it under the Turf with Picadilly.

  17. Does it not soothe the savage beast?

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