
How would you teach a class how to play tennis?

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Does anyone have any suggestions on how to teach a class of 40 (some special needs, some not) to play tennis? E.G. how to incorporate rules, coordination, fun, practices. Has to be taught in one class (period).




  1. I have been taking a community college class and there have been up to 32 students at once.  You usually need to break up the students in 2 groups.  One group pairs up, and practices a predefined drill - like hitting short balls to each other across the net.  One group works with the instructor.  Line them up, and feed them balls with a basket.  It doesn't matter if they hit it out.  One of the biggest problems with large groups is the number of balls you have, and the number of courts you have.  It also helps to enlist a helper or two, who know a thing or two about tennis.  The first part of your class should be about warming up and stretching.  Good luck!

  2. well if your outside put 2 tennis nets next to each other and put the children in a line and you stand behind   the nets and knock the ball other the net and the children hit the ball back to you and they run behind you back to the line.

  3. Use dead tennis balls or foam balls.......give praise for softest hits that go over net. Have students stand within six feet of the net.......the idea is to find a scenario that provides most possible consecutive hits. Give praise for more hits in a row...discourage hard hits(they seldom are returned). Find info under the topic "mini tennis"...recommended by acclaimed tennis teacher Dennis Van Der Meer.

    Good luck,


  4. rules,and  violations should be teach first... when all understand... and know the rules, teach them to serve, volley, etc... it will take a very very long time...

  5. That would be very hard to teach in one period. So the best thing would probably be to just give very basic rules... Can only bounce once, serve across crosss from behind the baseline and so on.. You should also be quite strict because if you're not the kids will probably go nuts with the racquets. Another thing i've noticed when people first play tennis, they try to hit the ball As Hard as they possibly can so you shold just show them to hit it lightly over the net and that it takes time to master forehands and backhands... also show them briefly how to hold a raquet... You shold do some little drills... they're in a line you hit to them lightly and see if they can return...that's all i can really think of, Good Luck!

  6. Easy on the warm-ups. Have them do like 5 jumping jacks , and have them stretch. You could hit balls to them one by one while their in a line. Or put them in groups of 2 or 4 and they could rally. Honestly, a class of 40 is allot to manage. Good luck

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