
How would you try to improve the endangered species act?

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How would you try to improve the endangered species act?




  1. Add more species of Pacific fish.

  2. I would add "people with good yahoo answers" to it.


  3. do we really need to improve it?

    what happens when man interfers with the process of natural elimination?

    nature on its own finishes off animals like the dodo and countless dinosaurs (long before the comet). there is a natural process at work and what kind of damage are we doing if we interfer with that?

  4. higher fines,litigation within months not years or decades in some cases,jail time for all involved until litigation to guarantee quick results,no protection from bankruptcies seize all assessts especially private holdings,complete compensation for habitat destruction and rehabilitation of the species involved

  5. 1.  Taxonomists, in collusion with the liberal courts, have changed the definition of what a species is.  That needs to be re-defined legislatively so that every minor variation of an animal does not warrant 'protection'.  Example, Chrardrius, alexendrinus, the snowy plover is a small bird found along the west coast of the USA.  The population on the beach has been granted protection under the ESA, and significant money, about 15,000 dollars per breeding pair, has been spent by various agencies, beaches are closed, human use of the beaches have been limited, predators have been euthanized, etc.  Less than 300 miles away a very healthy population of EXACTLY THE SAME BIRD survives and thrives without any human intervention.  However, this population of EXACTLY the same species is not included in the 'count' and for the purposes of the esa, are not considered the same bird.  Why? Liberal courts have sided with the "enviro-tree hugger-plants and animals are more important than people" crowd.

    2  There are several 'conservation groups' which make a lot of money suing the different federal agencies for enforcement of the perverted version of the esa.   Go to the wevsites of the Center for Biological Diversity, the Wilderness Society, and The Sierra Club.  When they sue, they are paid for their efforts out of taxpayer funds, even if the suit is ruled invalid!  This has to change.

    3. There are many groups which are opposed to any human progress-see Sierra Clubs past presidents statements concerning his opinion that man is a blight on the earth and should be wiped out to allow the earth to 'heal'.  These idiots are using the esa to further their own political agenda-they need to be stopped.

    How to fix it?  REPEAL it!!!

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