
How would you welcome the All Blacks if they came to your home town?

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Hello fellow answerers, Chris from Yahoo!Xtra Answers here.

I think we've mourned enough. It's time to put the negative thoughts behind us and celebrate our beloved All Blacks.

How? By showing them some good old fashioned Kiwi hospitality, that's how.

How would you welcome home the All Blacks if they came to your home town?




  1. Well done ABs!

    Personally I'd cook them all a huge feast. Well, I might need my neighbour's help (they're big boys with big appetites!).

    Then go out to the field for a game of cricket or something and everyone from the town is invited to play as well. Just a fun relaxing time for everyone I think.

  2. Yea...with open arms. If $$$ was no object, i'll get all the best sea food in NZ for them, Cray,Paua,Snapper,Oysters,Muscles..all of it, i'll have a Pig & a Lamb on the spit, several different beers of NZ & of course a Bud Light!! cause that's our beer here in Texas!. And just enjoy the day with them & family & friends :)

  3. Happy to welcome the ABs but less so the NZRFU which not only ruined the S 14 by letting GH remove potential ABs from key play but also led to the under-cooking of the ABs.

  4. a good old fashion kiwi bar b with a few ales.....

  5. with a haka and beer.

  6. With open arms.

  7. I like the bbq idea - good ol barbie, some brews and some entertainment (live band) throughout...why not throw in a dance floor. Give em an opportunity to kick back and relax with the locals.  hmmmm, yep, i'm sure the night will progress nicely from there so long as the alcohol behaves itself :D

  8. Just by letting them know, that no matter what the ed result was...they're still the All wear the name with pride and be proud of them. Enough is enough....cold we really crucify them more than they probably have done them selves. Heads up're home and we love matter what.

  9. oh boy- it would be a good time... something fashioned after the famous knoxville, tennesee pitch a tent 7's tourney.  for those of you that dont know- its the best tourney ever- first there's white water rafting- nothing quite like 110 ruggers floating down rapids... gets a little crazy with flashing and throwing each other in!  then we go to a farmers field where we set up tents and the beer truck is waiting... we have a great night with games... spin the bottle, strip flip cup, beer pong... and then play rugby in the morning... the uprites have tree tops still on them... its definitely not professional... then theres a BBQ and costume team themed night where its even wilder and crazier (our team theme was S & M)... at the end of the night you just roll down the hill and pass out in your (or someone else's) tent... the only thing i'd add would be co-ed naked midnight rugby!  heee heee- love me some all black boys!!!   oh yeah! i think theyd have a good time!

  10. Firstly, by telling them they are the bestest, toughest handsomest rugby team in the world, and showing them by way of lots of people young and old, singing, joking, eating  and having lots of fun.

  11. With a big sign across the street saying "Four More Years"!

  12. Show them Respect!...They deserve it! They gave their all and it's about time we give them ours!

    Way to Go All Blacks...Heads up High! You lost the Match but you won our hearts by shouldering defeat..A sign of True Sportsmanship!

    Get Up and Move Foward Men for you have another Season to look foward to!

    Good Luck to you All!

  13. would not welcome them.they are chokers

  14. Shake their Hand , tell em s**+ te happens

    We still proud of you

  15. Ummm........ really well, I don't think anybody cares if they lost....... The all blacks in alexandra.......... even if they came last we'd still welcolme them. C'mon its the national team

  16. Christchurch are to be highly praised for their welcome and I would expect the same if they visited my hometown. What's done is done and one cannot overlook the fact that, they were the World Champs in IRB rankings and have done us proud for four years now.Surely that is worth loyalty and support not condemnation!!!!!!

  17. I would shout them a few beers and let them know that they are still the best team in the world and that no side in the world has a superior win/loss record over them.

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