
How would you word a note politely asking neighbors not to call the police due to noise from a birthday party?

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We are throwing a 50th birthday party for my mom and would like to drop off some cookies and note to let them know that there may be excess noise from the band. I would like a clever and polite way to word the note so that they refrain from calling the police forcing us to shut down the band that we paid so much money for. Any suggestions?




  1. That's really tacky.  That's like writing a note telling them "Hey I'm having a party but you are not invited but don't call the police if we are loud".   Just ring some door bells and give them a heads up or invite them.

  2. You can't really they still will even if you ask if they get annoyed.

  3. You invite them.

    Then they have no excuse.

    If you do not invite them, you are inviting them to call at the least little thing. Even where people will be parking their cars.

    Just invite them and party on.

  4. well...technically they can't do anything to you unless you are loud after the cities timelimit for noise restrictions- that's usually at 10:00pm. I would simply go door to door (cookies not necessary but probably very welcome!) and tell them about the party and it may be a little loud that afternoon.

  5. why don't you bring the cookies over and explain in person. My son did that for his high school grad party and the neighbors could not have been nicer. He told them the band would stop playing by 11.. they had two little kids. They were so appreciative of the heads up notice that they took the kids to the grandparents house so the noise wouldnt keep them up. Sometimes a face to face (with a nice plate of cookies) is best.

  6. write the following:

    Dear neighbors,

    here are some delicious cookies that we chose out specially for you, and we would like to warn you that the party we are having a very special birthday party for my mom and it will be with excess noise ,,,,,    it would be so kind of your part to not call the police to come and shut it down because that would just break my mom's heart , because we put alot of effort on this party and payed tons of money so please ,............... at least do it for the happiness of my mom.   =]

    SINCERELY, your name

    at least that is how i would deal with it

  7. Just make sure the band doesn't play too loudly after 11 pm (or whatever time it is in your town) ... or invite your neighbors to the party!

  8. The easiest thing to do would be invite them.  But if you are not that friendly with them, send something like this:


    We are your neighbors at (the address).  On (date), we will be having a party to celebrate our mom's birthday.  To make it special, we have hired a live band.  We are asking your forgiveness in advance for any inconvenience the noise level may cause you.  We will try to keep it at a minimum, and promise that it will all be over by (state a time).  If it truly becomes a problem for you, please let us know before contacting the authorities.  We will make every effort to work something out.  Thank you for your consideration.


    (your name)

    Don't bother with the cookies, if you don't know them well enough to invite them, they may not trust your food.

  9. Invite them to the party.

    Post a note in the Lobby (if you have one) letting folks know you are giving a 50th anniversary party.  Just state the date & time, & they are welcome to stop by.

  10. I would make a small notice to hand out to each neighbour (or just talk to each one) saying dear neighbour, due to our mom and dad's 50ths anniv, on... (date).,we will be throwing them a party. As a consequence some bothering noise will probably be heard.

    We kindly request your comprehension (or understanding) and colaboration in not calling the police due to the noise.

    We apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you and thank you very much for your patience and kindness.

    well sort of that. what do you think??

  11. Honestly you cant guarantee they wont. If it were me, I would rent a hall, you can get them at a pretty decent rate especially if you are going to be spending that much money on a  band you might as well spend a few extra dollars to get a hall. Senior citizen centers usually have very good rates for renting out their buildings or a vfw hall.

    I would end the band at the latest by 11pm if you do it at the house as it would be quite rude to go after that if people have to get up for work the next day and especially if they have children.

  12. just invite the neighbours!

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