
How would you work with the students that does not want to respond to...?

by  |  earlier

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standards you have set in your classroom and continously interrupt your lesson?




  1. Catch them being good. That is a huge reinforcer. It would help to know the age.grade of the student. Use positive reinforcement, ignore negative behavior. Have the student help set their goals. Children are more willing to do something that they have a hand in. Make short term goals, something attainable so that they see they can do it. Put a reward system in place if need be.

  2. You cannot allow them to set the standards, and should ignore their interruptions, making it clear that you will pay attention when they follow the rules.

  3. During class I just don't give it any attention.  That's what they want is to get a big reaction and pull you off track.  Use them.  If you need somebody to give an example, use them.  You need somebody to pass things out, use them.  Make them your biggest helper.  Outside of class, I would try and pull them aside and let them know that you don't appreciate what they're doing.  I have a couple like that and I just tell them that I know they're smarter than they're acting.  In addition, when they make a smart alec comment, they rarely ever expect you to come right back and smart right back at them.  I like doing that, catches them off guard and often times, when you beat them at their own game, it shuts them up for a bit.  Don't give them what they want.  They want to be sent out of class, that way they don't have to work.  Kids know how to push your buttons, just remain cool, don't let them see that they can push those buttons, otherwise they will do it ALL year long.


  5. If it's a college student, I wouldn't even give it a thought.

    But 12th grade or below, the parents need to get involved.

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