
How would you write this date in a term paper?

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Is this correct: Things have changed, especially after September 11 2001. Is the punctuation correct? Thank you




  1. In the USA, dates are written in the following sequence:

    month, date, year.

    There is a comma after the date to separate that number from the number of the year.

    In other countries, dates follow difference sequences, but if you are in the US and are writing for a US audience, it is best to follow standard US sequence.

  2. 11 2001 looks odd.

    Let's insert a comma.

    11, 2001 makes sense.

  3. I suggest that you write the date this way: "11 September 2001" for four reasons.

    1. It is a more orderly progression of time, from smallest unit until largest.

    2. It corresponds to the way military people and Europeans write dates.

    3. It eliminates the need for commas.

    4. Nobody ever marks it wrong (because it isn't wrong).

  4. If it is an English term paper, I would write 11th September, 2001 . Other wise, I would write it as September 11, 2001.

  5. You need a comma after the 11 so it looks like this: September 11, 2001.

  6. 11th September 2001

    depends what country your from really why don't you just ask your teacher or lecturer!

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