
How you build a 30 foot long sail boat that is good enough to sail cross the oceans?

by Guest57423  |  earlier

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How you build a 30 foot long sail boat that is good enough to sail cross the oceans?




  1. If you have no experience building a boat, let alone one to cross oceans with, please forget the idea.  The oceans aree beautiful but can quickly produce deadly storms with wave heights in excess of your desired boat length.  If the boat has a flaw, the oceans will show you it at the worst time.  No need to thow your life away.

  2. try going here,,,,then ya might change ya mind,,,,its 1 of the best boat building forums

  3. Get a couple of friends on either side of you.

    Have one look in your right ear, and the other look into your left ear.

    If they make eye contact, then you have what it takes to do this kind of thing.

    Now, start here to begin your demise...

  4. I see nothing wrong with your question... and assuming you are serious... might I suggest:

    1. the book "The Dove" by Robin Lee Graham

        Robin was the first and youngest... at 16 years old, he was the first teenager to sail around the world alone. And he did it in a 26 footer...

    2. > www. < they have great building plans, and good instructions... they are good people.

    3. you might also check out (search on) Wharram Catamarans... great boats, easy to build, (and my personal favorite for an ocean passage...

    I have boated all my life, and my son just returned from an 11 month cruise with his girl friend (in a 30 foot sloop)... he and I sailed for 4 years together in my 48 footer when he came home from Dessert Storm... Many have sailed around the world in 26, 28, 30 and 36 footers... So, if you indeed pick a design for a blue water, ocean passage vessel, you will have plenty of time to learn and study for the trip as you build your vessel... I not only think it is a great idea... I encourage it... and in fact, I am currently building my 11th vessel over 40 feet.  You can find more info on the links below...

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