
How you can tell if your partner is cheating on you?

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How you can tell if your partner is cheating on you




  1. Something that has a strange action, ignoring , check caller id, deleting messages, staying late on the computer, cant please on.

  2. I agree with both some previous posters.  You'll have the feeling something is not right, and it's usually is the phone is the first sign.  With me it was an attitude change.  Maybe he/she start dressing better and different, and you wonder, well what's happened?  I've never seen whoever wash up and fix his hair like this so much, it's like whoever's going to a party.  Big indicator there, but you know people do start cleaning up their acts sometimes for no reasons.  My ex would jump up and leave if we got into a little argument, practically over nothing, and he seemed to have so many new things he had to get done away from home.  He also started wearing boxers all the time instead of white underwear, but at the time I never thought much about that.  

  3. Lots of emotional changes and normal habits / routines are being changed and broken.

  4. Phone behaviour (now that everyone has their own mobile ph) is easily the biggest tell-tale sign.  Your partner will be acting strange with their ph - notice the subtle things, like leaving it on 'silent' mode (so you won't hear messages or calls), having it on them all the time (so you don't have any access to checking it), deleting everything in their inbox and sent box, hanging up on phone calls rather than answering them in your presence, texting more often than usual

  5. More times than usual, you will have a gut feeling, and then you will start to get some tale tale signs. Number one indicator is when your partner starts to accuse you first of being the cheater.

  6. Don't worry bout it, she is, her and i spent the other day together.

  7. Being secretive.  Receiving phone calls frequently and being sneaky about it.  Decrease in s*x.  Taking more pride in their appearance.  Not coming home and being secrative about it.


  8. Shopping for new clothes

    Losing weight

    Online all the time

    Texting all the time

    Weird work hours

    Not intimate with you.

    Steps out of the house often with excuses.

    Does not share whereabouts.

    Does not initiate s*x.

    Does not spend time with you.

    The list is endless.

    Credit card bills hidden. cud be buying stuff for the other person.

    Unexplained cash withdrawls.

  9. 1. How he acts when someone calls him. Does he leave the room or goes outside. Does he take the phone with him where ever he goes and before he didn't.

    2. If he's constantly lying to you

    3. He tells you that he has meetings or that he has to do something and he really is with someone else. Also if he lasts really long or doesn't come back home to 1,2 3 am or doesn't come back at all.

    4. If he looks at other women the way he used to look at you.

    5. Doesn't give you enough attention or he doesn't want to have s*x with him. It goes on and on

  10. i can tell you right now for example : he probably is.  

  11. google ' ruth houston'

  12. taking phone calls outside or texting and I think if  you suspect him or her you should check there phone text messages.. if they have somthing to hide and catch you looking through the phone you should know if it bothers them that  you look through the phone they are guilty. My ex got mad and thought i didn't trust him if i had to go through his phone but i handed him my phone and said go through mine i have nothing to hide.... so thats the best way to find out..

  13. You will most likely feel that something is off, just a feeling. Check their cell when u can for text messages, their obviously not going to come out and tell you at the beginning their cheating because cheaters are low lives that don't want to lose you until they're sure they've got something else lined up, so u have to do your own snooping around unfortunatley.

  14. there are so many, many clues....but some are so good anymore that they just don't leave any clues behind. People just don't' have the conscience that they used to so they don't have the guilt feelings.  

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