
How you ever eat at your friends house or anyones house and noticed their food was past date?

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How you ever eat at your friends house or anyones house and noticed their food was past date?




  1. yes, well i saw the dates on there cans were past date, and let her know, and she was like wow i didn't even know canned stuff could expire, thank you i could have gotten sick!

  2. No

  3. i did! ewwww i told her, she thought it was funny so that's good i was scared to say something because i didn't want to make her mad but she took it ok.

  4. I go to boarding school overseas and I was staying at my (now former) guardian's house sometime in 2004. I'm allowed to eat whatever at her house so I decided to explore. Then in the cupboard I found a can of beans that went off back in had to be the nastiest thing ever.

    And then my friends and I started noticing that most things in their fridge, like mustard and mayonnaise, are all off a long time ago. To top it, everytime she cooked meat with mushroom sauce we would all get a bad case of gasteronteritis.

    Needless to say we started eating out all the time.

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