
How you ever experienced or seen something you can't explain?

by Guest62266  |  earlier

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Such as a ghost, UFO or cryptid (a weird animal.. think of Nessie or Bigfoot but it could be anything strange!). If so what was the story behind the experience or sighting? Would you be interested in an email interview for help with a study I'm doing?




  1. Yeah, self harm. >.< x

  2. Lots of things..but here's one ....When he was 14 years old my son was raised up off the bed while he was asleep...several inches. I had to push him back down. I didn't tell him about it for years.  A psychic has previously lived in the house but I didn't know it. Maybe she left somebody behind when she moved.

  3. I think everyone has.Children are very susceptible.Mostly because they pass so quickly from awake to asleep.Even with adults so much seems to happen in and around beds and sleeping.It can't be considered coincidence.At least it shouldn't be.

    I think if people would question themselves more would be explained.

  4. i once saw a ghost sheep! ,  really, it was quite amazing and strangely not scary at all..

    email interview ? - no problem.

  5. regularly , don't believe ghost though , somebody is playing silly buggers .

  6. I have had lots of different experiences from a dis-embodied voice to prophet dreams and much more.  Feel free to include me in your study.  

  7. About ten years ago my sister and I were driving near a local community college on our way to church when up in the distant sky we saw a formation of shiny silver football shaped objects. There were 10 or 12 of them, no bright lights or anything, they were very plain.  We were shocked so we pulled over to take a better look and they just sort of disappeared. It was very strange.  

  8. Yes, the other day.  I thought I saw an object fade in and out of the night sky.  It was shaped like a triangle, yet it seemed to just appear and dissapear.  It seemed orange in color.  When I saw this, I thought was that just my imagination.  

    A few minutes later, I brought out my binoculars to scan the night sky.  As I was looking through my binoculars, something flew within my view, I could see this huge object with lights all on the bottom.  At first I thought it was birds, then I looked a bit closer and realized it was lights.  The lights seemed white in color, yet not blinding.  The object was shaped like a V or a W couldn't quit make it out with all the lights at the bottom.  The lights seemed to be in pairs, not sure how many.

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  9. I haven't but my mom has. My uncle Roger was my mom's brother and he died. It was years after and my mom was putting my little sister to bed. She said, "I love you..." and she felt a cold wind rush around her legs. All windows were closed, no door was open, no air conditioning. She felt like it was Roger.

    Also, my aunt, Roger's other sister, saw his shape in the doorway the Thanksgiving after he died.

    I'm not sure these things happened but I trust my mom and aunt.

  10. seen something staring at me through a bedroom window of my next door neigbours house ( on a bright sunny afternoon ! ) it looked like a tall black hooded figure wearing a weird kind of gas mask . this happened over 40 yrs ago and is still a very scary memory . many years later I saw an " unexplained " photograph of a very similar entity taken in a church in north yorkshire.

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