
How you ever had weather where it's extremely hot one day and extremely cold the next?

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Yesterday felt like summer (an oven) and today feels like winter (like there may be hail if it rains)! These extremes don't seem normal to me. What do you think is the cause?




  1. yes temperature fluctuates like crazy. on some days, it is blazing hot for one moment and before you know it, it starts to rain so heavily you cant even hold your umbrella properly.

    there used to be a specific period of time when many people fall ill (maybe december), but now people are falling ill all year round.

  2. yeah we've had 40 & 50 degree temperature changes in one day(sometimes in a few hours) every spring & late fall in the mid west for my whole life & its been a long one. I expect it will continue to be like that for hundreds of years after I'm gone. unless something weird happens to change it.

  3. Oh, yeah. South Dakota!

  4. I live in northern Minnesota, and that type of weather is quite normal. In 1963, there was snow in the morning, which gave way to rain. That evolved into a storm later, and the town was skirted by a tornado at dusk.

  5. Yes I have, I live in Casper, Wyoming. =]

    Last week we had a blizzard with about 2 feet of snow, icey roads, ect.

    Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were warm.

    Wednesday we had a tornado.

    Thursday was rainy

    and today it was trying to snow.

    Wyoming weather cannot make up its mind!!!

  6. It is just weather. They it changes. They said global warming is on hold for ten years and we are going to cool then warm up.

  7. Have you lived your entire life up to now with the same exact weather every day?

  8. its becuase the weather and ocean currents.  When the ocean currents are high, it rains and is cold, when they are low and little, its hotter.  It doesnt matter were u live, that is how the weather is

  9. yeah, its kind of like that in long beach.

  10. Yup, in NC all the time. This is prett normal. The weather should change all the time so that our bodies are used to all types of weather.

  11. yes here in CT it's been like that  a lot

    75 one day

    45 the next

    no joke

  12. Yes, in New York City

  13. Yes I have. Living in the midwest is like that some times.

  14. All the Northern US states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut......etc......... have that kind of weather.....but then these states dont have natural disastors like hurricanes and tornados. Its all a trade-off

  15. "Hail if it rains....." ?  If it's "rains", not "snows" , then it's not that cold  .:)))) The cause? The general perversity of the universe .

    Yep , I'm in upstate NY , so fairly often .Had 4" of snow on May 18th, 4(?) years ago .  The most extreme one I remember , was from Memorial Day weekend , 10-12 years ago . It was 95F here , on Saturday , 90F in Cranberry Lake ( a town, as well as a lake ;) . The gf & I  packed Fri. night , and drove directly from work Sat, to CLake , Sat. pm ., sleeping in the back of the truck , at the boat launch.  

        Overnight the weather changed . Just as we got the canoe in the water , Sun. am, a snowstorm started . Not just a few flurries, a driving, blinding snowstorm, with 20-30 mph winds. ( an official blizzard = 40mph ;)

       It should have only taken about an hr & 1/2 to get to our destination, but after 3+ hrs , we weren't even halfway there . We went to a nearby "beach" ( sandbar)  , ate lunch, wandered around some virgin forest (amazing!, if you ever get the chance) and set out again. It got worse , so we headed back , then home . Heard that it was ~ 20F that night ,(June1?) so glad we gave it a miss .

    (  I was prepared for anything, but she , only  for 40's . If I had asked, ie ," checked up on "  her , I'd have been in trouble :))

  16. yes it is always like that in the winter in fort myers florida and it is relly anoying but sometimes in the summer here it get a little vold and it is great.

  17. Thank you tdx. It's called spring.

  18. I've lived in Wyoming for 32 years and that's how it is every spring.

  19. It happens all the time.

    It is quite likely that it will happen more, due to global warming, but that's not certain.  The theoretical basis is that heat is the engine that drives weather systems.  More heat, more extreme weather systems.

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