
How you judge???

by  |  earlier

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which are your common standard criteria to judge people??




  1. There is not really a standard. See I am a complete Jerk, and find fault with the people I judge. I just choose to point out the area's that the other people are not as good as me at, and put them down for it. The things that they are better at, I come up with reasons why they are only good at it because.... Example:, "the only reason they make so much money is because Mommy and Daddy are rich, and they paid off the college teachers to give them good grades, and that is why they have a job." I know I am not nice, but any one judging other people, are jerks too. So You are just a Jerk like me if you are asking about Judging other people. (see how I just judged, Works every time)

  2. their attitude, actions and appearance

  3. Her or His nature and hows he or she believe in stuff..

  4. how  they treat others.

  5. character and on these principles alone I hate everybody that answered this question so far except for the ND person.

  6. thier general appearance.  I don't mean "he's hot/she's gorgeous", but in how they present themselves.  Are they well groomed?  Do they take care of their teeth?  Are thier clothes clean?  How do they sound when they open thier mouths?
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