
How young can you get guinea pigs?

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i want to know, how young can you get guinea pigs?

can i get them at 2 days old??





  1. Not unless you get the mom too. The youngest you can get them without the mom is 4 weeks.

  2. Bad breeders may try to supply you with baby guinea pigs, but DONT TAKE THEM.

    Guinea pigs need to be weaned, at around 4 or 5 weeks, and can't be taken away from their mums before this.

    Problems such as liver failure and growth problems can occur if removed to young.

  3. I know two days old is cute but they still rely on their mum. You could get them at 4 weeks of age at the minimum but considering they live for as long as 7 years, that is quite young.

  4. 8 weeks any younger and they will be skittish

  5. 6 weeks old, i'm a breeder of longhairs. :D

    They should never be younger than this, even though they will start eating the veg, dried food and hay at a day old!

    Also i have taken the males away from the female at 3 weeks of age, there are some randy piggies out there! They then go in with their dads until ready to be rehomed

  6. when their born.

  7. No way definitely not 2 days old, they need their mum.

    I got mine at 2 months but I'll check the youngest in a second.

    Add: Four weeks old is when you separate the males and females and it's safe to take a guinea pig home.

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