
How young was your child when you did something with them for Halloween?

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I know a little early but just a few questions.

How old was your child when you first did something with them for Halloween?

If you have a baby and this is their first Halloween -

How old will they be this Halloween?

Will you be doing something this year and what is it you will do?




  1. He will be 10 1/2 months this Halloween. We are dressing him up and taking him out to show him off at my parents and some close friends houses. We also bought him a Halloween outfit for him to wear at daycare that day. We plan to take lots of pictures!

  2. i have a one year old and a month old and we are thinking of taken them out only to a few houses mainly just dressing up to take pictures since they cant really eat the candy lol

  3. my daughter anbrielle was 3 months old last halloween - and we dressed her up in this little cheerleading outfit (we chose it because it looked like it would keep her warm and it did-plus it was all cotton) and put her in her stroller and walked around with her way older cousins while they went trick-or-treating.. it was fun.. but she was just in her stroller the whole time..we just took lots of photos with her and her cousins when they were wearing their costumes...

  4. My daughter was 2-1/2 months old when we took her trick or treating.  Not for candy- but we did it in my husband's parent's neighborhood where he knew a lot of people- so we just went to show off the baby to people who've known my husband for years and would otherwise not see the baby.

  5. Last Halloween, we definitely did something.  At 9:43 he was born!  :)

    This year, he will be one year old on Halloween, and I'm taking the day off work and visiting a whole bunch of friends/family and showing him off in his costume.  That evening, we are going trick or treating w/my best friend and her kids.

    The next day, we are having his birthday party.  :)

  6. Ian was a month old last Halloween so we didn't do anything. He'll be a year and a month this year and I think we'll dress him up and take him to our local mall where the firemen and police do 'safe' trick or treating and then of course we'll go around trick or treating in our old neighborhood where my mother in law, aunt in law, and one of my best friend's lives (only 3 houses to cover on one street) so they can see him and take pictures.

  7. My son will be 10 months old for this halloween.  We plan to take him trick-or-treating, but only in our neighborhood and to people we know only just so they can see him in his costume.  Then we come back, our house will be decorated and I'll pass out candy  

  8. I went trick-or-treating when my kids were two years old.  They can walk and hold their candy basket, and at that age they really like going door to door getting candy. It's really cute. It's a little offputting when I answer the door and it's someone holding their infant.  I laugh when they leave, because it's so obvious that the candy is not for the baby, therefore they're eating it, what else. They should dress up their kid cute, take their picture, and stay at home, I mean really, there's other ways to meet your neighbors.

  9. our baby boy will be almost 6 months old at wife is looking for a pumpkin suit already!! :-)

    (for the baby - not her)  hehehe....

  10. Our daughter's first Halloween she was 10 months old.  We dressed her up in a little costume and walked her around to the immediate neighbors houses.  They enjoyed seeing her in her costume.  We didn't take her around for candy then... she couldn't eat it and we didn't need it. :o)  When she was almost two she really got into it.  She got dressed in a princess costume and we took her to as many houses as she could walk to and she had a blast.  When she was tired of walking we took her home and she got to put candy in the kids' buckets.  

    This year she'll be Minnie Mouse and will probably never want to come home.  She's been talking about trick or treat and dressing up for the last 3 months.  

  11. This Halloween will be my little boy's first one and he will be 9 months old. He has a zebra costume I got for him 75% off last year after Halloween...hopefully it'll fit, he's a big boy! We plan on taking him to the small neighborhood that both my mom and husband grew up in then after that we'll go down to my parents house and pass out candy to the 'big kids'!

  12. last year we dressed up our 3 month old and 2 year old-we put them in a stroller and walked around the neighborhood. since he couldnt eat candy, we got the 3 month old some teething rings and other little items to put in his halloween bucket, and our 2 year old stole the little candy he did get!

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