
How young would you let ur kid go to a waterpark w/o an adult?

by Guest32074  |  earlier

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hey, a bunch of my friends are going to a waterpark w/o their parents and one friends, and i have been invited at least 5 times, but i can't go if there isn't an adult. i am 12, 13 in november. my parents say they trust me but not the people around me. do u think i should be able to go, or are they right for not letting me go?

i would be going w/ 1 friend.

yes they have been to this waterpark, which turned there no to no WAY.




  1. well, i got a white water season pass for my 13th birthday [its a water park] and my friends and i always go alone. But, i don't think 2 years ago my mom would have let me go alone. i understand your parents concerns, but all of my friends are allowed to go. have fun at the water park!

  2. Most water parks or theme/adventure parks would require at least one adult to go in with a group of under 16's.

  3. I think you are old enough for that is nothing so frigtening try telling your parents that they can take you there and pick you up when everything ends they will probably feel better...also is very important that your parents know all of your friends well... is very annoying to intoduce your friends to your parents but when they know them WELL and I mean WELL not just hello and goodbye they will let you do a lot more things with them...good luck

  4. Given the risk of kidnapping and such I wouldn't allow my child to go unsupervised until age 16 probably when they were old enough to drive themselves but if there was a parent going that I trusted or another adult i could trust then i would allow it much sooner than that.  It is good that you are going with a friend but things can still happen especially at that age.  Some waterparks won't even allow people under 16 to go in without an adult.

  5. 13. in my opinion if your a teenager, you're old enough. but it depends what neighborhood you're in. if you feel that it is a secure place i recommend age 13, if you think it isn't a safe place, i think age 15 is appropriate.

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