
Howard Webb done a terrible job of refereeing the World Cup Final if a player kung foo kicks another

by  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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player he should be sent off. He wanted the Netherlands to win that was crystal clear. Overall, England made a terrible impression on this world cup both the team and the adjudicators. Howard was told not to tolerate anything that could bring the game into disrepute then he tolerates extremely dirty playing from the Dutch. Absolute disgrace. He did not have a "difficult match", he simply did not do his job properly.




  1. The Netherlands players were a disgrace. Referee Howard Webb and his two assistants Darren Cann and Mike Mullarkey were forced to take charge of an impossible match.

    Webb didn't tolerate foul play, which is why a record 14 bookings were handed out.

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