
Howard or Rudd???

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Who did you vote for???


Do you think that it was a good call?





  2. KEVIN '07!!


    finally our country is in good hands


  3. I have lost faith in the Australian community for the result for which we all must fathom

  4. Pauline Hanson.

  5. I voted Howard.

    First of all, howard pushed us so that we can move forward. You wouldn't be here on this computer if he wasnt on.

    People may think that he was a bad person, but put yourself in his shoes for a second. Wounldn't you hate it when people make fun of you? But you know whats right. You have to be SMART when your PM. Howard was a lawyer, so he knows what to do.

    High interest rates arnt Howard. Its the banks job.

    Rudd, well is still learning. Yet, its good to give others a chance. Who knows what he might have in store for us.

    I just hope that he will do a good job like Howard and make sure that companies DONT /NEVER GO BROKE.

  6. I voted for howard. I was a swinging voter this time around. I could have gone either way. I think that labour are not as spend thift as liberal. I think they are going to spend money and be very popular for a while but like previous labour parties things may go haywirer a few years from now

  7. kevin rudd
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