
Howcome african-americans alot of the time have high butts?

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or up-booties or wutever....its not a bad thing tho, its good, i wish i had that, not that i dont have how do genetics in ppl of african heritage make that trait happen, i didnt just notice it either, i kno all about all that stuff but i just wonder is it like the bone structure that makes it all high or wut? howcome some have it aand others dont? can any othr races have that trait? thanks, just curious, no haters




  1. I dunno but they're so cool! :)

  2. Interesting.. I read about this in an old issue of Cosmo..

    Apparently, in Africa thousands of years ago a woman was considered attractive based on the size of her butt. (how different from today's society) Men would only mate with women who carried this "big butt gene" so therefore only this gene was passed down.. In other civilizations this obsession with the butt did not occur and therefore the specific gene had to reason to outshine.

  3. High butts are not limited to African-Americans or any other ethnic minorities.  The gene pool may be heavier among blacks, but so what?  I wish I had more of a butt, high or round or anything but flat.  s**y stretch jeans just sag on my rear -- very unsexy.  Now if I had on my butt what I have on my gut, and vice-versa,  I'd have quite a figure.  LOL!  You can only do so much with exercise and diet, etc.  People are stuck with the way they are built.  Why do some women have big b***s and some are flat as a checkerboard?  Your shape is pretty much determined at the moment of conception, whether you're white, black, yellow, green or purple.  Maybe you should take up bird watching instead of booty watching.

  4. You might want to cut back on the weed.

  5. i am black and i suffer from "noassatall" has nothing really to do with your skin's all about the genetics

    for example....this is Coco (Ice T's wife) and her "real butt"

  6. Maybe because they are a race that has their own characteristics. If you'd like to go into detail of 2000 years ago they carried their children on their asses so it grew, i have no idea.

  7. ive noticed that who hasnt? lol.mostly all of my friends r black and they make fun of me and my white booty lol.

    asians and chinese too...

  8. This question is somewhat annoying, but I guess you don't mean any harm. All black people (I don't care for the term African American...whites aren't called Mountain Americans, so why should we be called African American?...) Anyway, all blacks don't have "high" as you call it butts. When I see a high butt, I see one that is attached to a pretty long pair of legs, like big bird...and I have seen some black and white folks built that way...If you mean what Sir Mix A Lot spoke of: Big Butts!!! Not all blacks have big butts, not all are so endowed...some actually have smaller or semi-flat butts...It's pretty much genetics...I can't name a certain trait for that, but I will tell you that I've seen quite a few white women with large behinds and more curves in the hip area...more nowadays and lately...But most women tend to be built the way their mother was built and other family members as genes...Sorry, there is no set pat recipe answer for why blacks tend to have larger backsides...The same way whites tend to have keener features like pointier noses, smaller lips, etc. than blacks...Certain differences you just accept and don't question. I once tried to write a college paper on why whites can take colder temperatures indoors (higher ac settings) than blacks...but of course, there was no scientific evidence that I could find to support my theory or whatever I was seeking to prove...Some things have no, I wouldn't worry about it..I heard that Jessica Simpson wore a pair of "Daisy Duke" shorts that were padded with a bigger butt for the camera...but of course those solutions call for big bucks...Don't spend so much time hating on your own booty and learn to like it (unless it were completely flat, like a board or something)...didn't you say you wanted to be an actress? Well, the skinnier, the better, for white actresses, that is...and they say the camera adds 10 pounds, so if you're thin or have a small hiney, this could be to your advantage if you ever really plan on shooting for the stars, ya might want to keep you butt smaller...(Neicy Nash on Reno 911--(the black deputy)...wears a padded butt, which was her own idea, to make her character more interesting...they let her do it...They would've told a white woman h**l No! on that pat answer for that one missy...

  9. Its called Collard Greens and corn

  10. That's not always the case,there are a lot of white females who have booty out there just like there are black females who don't. I'm stuck somewhere in between and got the short end of the stick.(ooh,that did not sound right,but you know what I mean I hope)

  11. Every people has its own characteristics.  The French tend to have a more squarish backside.  Filipinos tend to have small rather flat butts.  I am white Euro-American but my backside looks a lot like a black person's.  I used to hate it, but now when I see everyone my age and race now has a flat butt and I don't, I kind of like it.

  12. eat more fried chicken

  13. Not all of them do.  Some are zaftig, and some are beanpoles, just like all other races.  Why do any of us have the physical attributes we have?  It's all in the genes man!

  14. I think it's of having more of a curvature than a high butt which make it seem as if it's high, and other races are not as much curvier which makes it seem more a more lower butt........but I still can't seem to answer your initial question.  I have no clue.

  15. Same reason white women have a high brow.

  16. just genetics. Same reason why most asians have black hair and most white people have colored eyes.

  17. Genetics.

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