
Howcome humans don't differentiate or discriminate about the race of their pets?

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Howcome humans don't differentiate or discriminate about the race of their pets?




  1. Do you mean Breeds ? I'm a little confused on your question .

  2. Cool question. But somebody answer this: why are we still using the word "race"? Last time I checked, we're all human beings.

  3. I do. I prefer certain breeds and wouldn't purchase any other kind. Brittany, Visla, Mastiff, Samoyed, American Eskimo, cocker spaniel maybe.

    Same thing with snakes. You won't catch me with a constrictor or corn snake in my home. It's king snakes or nothing, either the white & black or red, yellow and black.

  4. Animals are of different breeds and owners do differentiate about the breed of their pets especially if their pet is a papered pureblood.

    The difference is that people do not get offended when talking about the physical characteristics of different breeds of animals like they do when talking about the physical characteristics of different races of people.

  5. what exactly do you mean by race.....don't you mean origin???  I have never seen a caucasion dog...

  6. But humans DO differentiate and discriminate about the "race" of pets. Many people won't own a black dog, for instance -- they automatically think such are mean. And then there is discrimination based on "pure" bred animals vs. mixed. Some people are automatically afraid of certain breeds or certain sized dogs. Some people automatically hate small dogs. When it comes to humans regarding dogs, prejudice abounds.

  7. actually some do. Some won't own a pet unless it has breeding papers. And designer pets are in mode from time to the chihuahua's that are in vogue now with Paris Hilton.

  8. Well now, they might.  Do you really think you'll ever see Paris Hilton walking around with a mutt or a junkyard dog?

  9. I'm afraid you are  backwards here. People have no aversion about discriminating when it comes to animals such as pets. Dobermans and pitbulls are cross. Great danes are loyal. German shepherds are intelligent. Greyhounds run fast. Mankind does have an aversion to using stereotypes as applied to humans. I guess that we humans are not consistent.

  10. Dam good point......too bad we can't do the same with People....nearly all of them are innocent too.

  11. Animals don't really have "races." I have met some pretty speciest people though.

  12. Animals are innocent.

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