
Howcome its against the law to share prescriptions, why is that?

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Howcome its against the law to share prescriptions, why is that?




  1. Like other people said. Some people might have allergic reactions. Plus doctors fill out prescriptions to tailor it to you. What be recommended for your body will not work well in someone else.  Side effects that might come from certain medications. Some medications could be addictive also. Lots of reasons main thing is always "health of other person". Below is a link to another thread person asking on web md about sharing prescriptions read through check those responses as well.

  2. I can't say what the "LAW" completely is about exchanging or sharing prescriptions, but even without a law - it would be very foolish to take prescription medicine given for a particular purpose by another person. The medicine may not go well with that person, causing adverse reactions, or even death. For example where penicillin is perfectly acceptable to some, others may be terribly allergic to it. It's best to go to the doctor's and be tested for what is compatible to you. No sharing without knowledge or recommendation!

  3. the whole idea of a prescription is that it is supposed to be used under a doctor's supervision. if youre just giving your friend pills its kinda defeating the purpose

  4. a prescription is written out with a specific amount, for a specific purpose, for that specific person.

    i.e. someone i knew in boarding school always wanted my a.d.d medication, adderall, so they could snort it and get a high off of it.

  5. well people might be allergic to a certain substance ( which could threaten their lives). That's why u need to get prescription from a doctor.

    Different people also need different dosage.

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