
Howcome most scientists deny the existence of the paranormal...

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yet they believe that poltergeist stuff comes from energy linked with teenagers.




  1. Because they don't believe in fake junk.

  2. Most tend to believe that if there is no way to prove it with instruments and experiments using methods they consider to be controlled, it does not exist.  And that's ok.

    Look at this way, a great deal of people thought Columbus to be wrong when he declared that the world was round?  Throughout history, people have had radical theories and most of those we now know were actually fact. Take for example the equipment that we use in order to detect activity when we are investigating.  Right now, there is actually no one piece of equipment that can prove a spirit or ghost existence in any particular place.  But maybe down the road, some free thinking member of the scientific community will be able to invent just the thing that we need.  But until then, we use what we have.  Columbus didn't have a motor on his boat either, but he used what he had.  And look what he was able to accomplish.

    But I am afraid that you are incorrect about the poltergeist statement.  Some in the field of paranormal research believe that kinetic energy linked with young adolescences the cause.  I don't know that science gives any credibility to kinetic energy at all in this case.

  3. You have the first part right (the denial of the paranormal bit) but are way off with the second.

    Where did you get the impression scientists believe in poltergeist?

  4. Not all scientist take the paranormal in dismiss the claims of thousands of people in this manner, clearly they or experiencing something paranormal or something about the brain that's unknown to science. Their is still mush research to be done in science, Physicist don't fully understand the Quantum entanglement some so bad that they completely dismiss it, we still don't  fully understand electromagnetism , we cannot test string theory to validate it as credible theory, dark matter is still being researched, we don't know where the h**l is Anti-matter, present within matter or not, we don't know both from a mathematical and a Neuroscience perspective how  human "consciousness" works and we still can;t make a "TOE"(theory of everything). We cannot test all these things just like the paranormal like we want to because lack in higher frequency instruments. Technology has made the greatest scientific discoveries not the mind of man in science alone. untill this stuff is done I believe the paranormal can be looked into more accurately, as I speak their are Quantum believers researching it, and i taking a look myself although not a credible physicist yet :(

  5. By definition, paranormal is phenomena or experiences that lack an obvious scientific explanation. If it lacks scientific explanation, it's open to all kind of interpretations, so there's nothing really for scientists to do there.

    Paranormal is very much part of popular culture, as is astrology, palm-reading, and other forms of pseudoscience.

  6. Scientists believe in facts, and evidence.

    For example, to prove the existance of the paranormal, the event must be in a 'controlled area/environment' where it can be well documented, and a visual record of the event can be taken,  without any shadow of doubt to the realiability and authenticity.

    But, believe me, even scientists DO believe that 'something' of the unknown does exist, there are too many credible witnesses that have come forward, to say that it's all nonsense.

    Caramac x

  7. I personally think we should all stop bashing each other and simply respect each other's differences. What a boring world this would be if we all believed in the same things.  

  8. spend 10 minutes in the company of a good close up magician and you will realise how easy it is to fake paranormal phenomena.

  9. No, we don't believe that.  We believe that most 'poltergeists' are actually just teenagers playing tricks, since they've usually admitted it.  There's no evidence for actual poltergeists or ghosts or spirits or psychic abilities or any of that stuff, and that's why we don't believe they exist.  Come up with some repeatable, testable evidence, and we're happy to listen.

  10. Professor Archie Roy teaches the existence of the paranormal at the university of Glasgow.

  11. Some scientist only believe in what they can prove.

    And some are just wacked.


  12. Scientists are close minded fools that are only good for inventing computers, airplanes, medicine, plastic, automobiles, cell phones, refrigeration and so forth, silly, silly people

  13. Fear that coming to the realization that these things are real will change their reality. Scientists are often emotional and insecure people that rely on their technical knowledge as a crutch.

  14. I think it's because they believe if they cannot touch it, see it, or smell it, then it does not exist. There ALWAYS has to be a scientific explanation as to the paranormal to them. That's their opinion, and I'm not bashing them, but they shouldn't always bash us for believing in the paranormal. We know what we have seen, or felt, and being there are so many people that have experienced something, we can't ALL be crazy!  =)

  15. Because they are close minded fools.  Period.

  16. A lot of scientists, mainly parapsychologists do believe in finding a "natural explanation" to 'paranormal' events.

    Sometimes they are correct, natural explanations should always be ruled out before jumping to the conclusion that you have been witness to a genuine paranormal activity.

    Unfortunately, sometimes parapsychologists will make things up to deny the existence. I get irritated when they say "Oh the 'light manifestation' could be a moth floating on an air current."

    - Impossible - unless the moth is 4cm by 4cm, which I highly doubt!

  17. Scientists want evidence/proof before something is fact. We do have evidence of paranormal. However, so many people create fake evidence to see if people believe them, that it is very difficult to prove your evidence is real.

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