
Howcome the guys car Insurance is so much more not less expensive than the girls car insurance?

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Why is that, please explain.




  1. Usually guys car insurance is more than girls insurance. This is because statistics show guys get in more accidents. Also it is higher if they are under 21 and under 25. If they get married the insurance usually goes down quite a bit.

  2. Excellent Question. Some auto insurance companies consider a man higher risk than a woman, I think this applies to men and women under that age of 25. However, I a lot of men think that girls aren't as good as driving as men. I think this is bogus myself. However, I do know a lot of my friends, who are women, have more trouble learning to drive a stick shift, get lost more and are scared to drive in big cities or around a lot of vehicles. I hate to say this next statement, try to figure out why, but I have read some articles on the web "I don't know how accurate though" that women drivers are more likely to put on make up, comb their hair, talk on the cell phone and even brush their teeth while driving. I have also read that women are more than likely to drive with their legs because their arms and hands are too busy. If those statements are true, you might think women drivers would be more of a risk to auto insurance companies. With all this being said, the good part is that auto insurance companies don't just assume risk and have very good reasons to charge more for one gender if they do indeed. Auto insurance companies would have conducted years of research, viewed statistics and talked with many experts before making any changes or coming to a conclusion. I have also read some articles that say men are more likely to speed, sometimes at very high speeds, they are more likely to race and this all probably makes them more likely to have a big accident or even injure themselves or others.

  3. Because statistically guys have less accidents but are worse than the fender benders that girls have more often. A big accident cost more for the company than a small bumper hit. Its about the statistics.

  4. Well, a couple of things you might want to consider.I've had good luck here...

  5. because it is the experience of the insurance companies that the young guys have worse driving records than the young girls....statistics  prove that there are more car accidents involving younger guys hence they have to pay a higher premium

    If you want some more information, I would check out...

    Take care.

  6. An insurer bases their premiums on the volume of claims they get from each particular type of driver. Women make fewer claims than men, so they are less of a risk to the insurer.

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