
Howcome they never have the Olympics in Africa, The Middle East, South Asia etc?

by Guest66860  |  earlier

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It is just racism or are there other reasons?

I mean it seems INCREDIBLE that the US can get the Olympics in 1984 and then again in just 12 years in 1996, but the ENTIRE CONTINENT OF AFRICA doesn't get it EVER in more than a century.




  1. The AMERIKAN networks cover it for AMERIKANS because you would never know anyone else was IN the Olympics but the AMERIKANS... They don't really CARE if the rest of the world can get the coverage or not.

    AND... you don't know your history... The Olympics comes around EVERY 4 YEARS... both SUMMER and WINTER Olympics.. and the are CARRIED ON AMERIKAN TV every 4 years and HAVE BEEN for about 40 YEARS now... since back in the 1960's in fact.

  2. In South East Asia there are quite a few rich cities that could host it like Singapore or Kuala Lumpar. I read recently that the amount of infrastructure and preparation the Chinese have put into the games could never be emulated by any nation again due to the expense they have gone to.

    I agree, the money could be better spent elsewhere but that is the world we live in!  

  3. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM well maybe because those places are either war torn or in poverty!

  4. They do enter for the chance, but lets be realistic here. There isn't a country in Africa or south Asia that could AFFORD to host the games.  

  5. Yeah, right can you see the Olympics in countries were Terrorist run around free, they would target all the Western Countries athletes, by the way who would pay for the Security needed for the people in the Olympics? What country in these parts of the World have the money to put on the games? China spent 42 Billion dollars to get everything ready for the 2008 games.  

  6. and who's going to pay to build all the venues. Maybe South Africa could afford it but not many others.

  7. I guess the rest of the world think it's dangerous or they're too poor. Personally I agree with you,  Africa and those other countries should be given a chance, instead of rich countries simply winning all the bids.

    I looked on a website and someone posted this answer

    ordsprayer: think out of the box? Host the Olympics, spend billions of dollars while millions of people are starving on the continent? To me, that's amoral.

    Spending those amounts of money on a souped up sporting event isn't right, by my standards, when so many people fall victim to famine, disease, repression, dictarorships, etc etc

    Reduce problems by bringing attention to the problems of there? That doesn't work in China, as we all can see, so why would it work in Africa?

  8. Don't want tourists to be raped. In africa,  there is a rape every 6 seconds.

  9. They have to bid for it.

    Most African cities could not afford the Olympics.

    Only Cairo and Johannesburg would be a possibility.

  10. it sbecuase they havent won that thing they do, i think its a raffle or vote or something like that

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