
However many times i rub my eyes they continue to be blurry...?

by  |  earlier

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As said above my eyes are blurry however many times i rub them, most of the time i can see a glare coming from the monitor or bright lights\daylight through blinds etc should i see an optometrist?

(I had an eye test 2 months ago)




  1. Stop rubbing!  It' s possible to rub too hard and it effects the retina.   You may wish to try:   blinking several times, closing your eyes for a minute then blinking.   Do you see the glare with glasses on or off?  If you have glare with glasses on, go back to the doctor and check that the prescription is correct.

  2. Well, rubbing your eyes can make it more blurry.

    What you should do is go into a dark room with a small light and see if you can see that glare.

    If so, you should see someone about it.

    If you are still growing, your eyes can do weird things on you.

    I grew 4 inches in like, 6 months, and my eyes went from 20/30 to 20/60.

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