
Howrse breeding questions!?

by  |  earlier

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My mare, Midnight is having a baby with a friend's horse, Gallop. I have a few questions I need to ask before she gives birth (in 12 months).

1. Why 12 months of pregnancy? Why non 9?

2. Who gets to keep the foal?

3. What if my equestrian center has no vet?

4. How can I get a scan to tell me if it's a boy or girl?

5. If I know a friend (in the game) that's a vet, can she/he help deliver?




  1. 1. Because it is longer for horses than for humans,

    2. You will, because you own the mare.

    3. Then the birth will cost more (in howrse it costs between 500-600e.)

    4. You get it at when your howrse is 8 months pregnant (I think), and it costs 50e.

    5. No. THe EC your mare is in has to have a vet.

    If you need anymore help, message me on howrse- My username is Wilderness.


  2. 1. Foals are bigger and need to develop more.

    2. You should get the foal since you paid a stud fee.

    3. I can't answer that one well.

    4. Ultra sound. I guess. Still not sure

    5. Yes.

    Congrats on the foal!! Good Luck!!!!

  3. Oh my, congratulations!  If the breeding took, you have 12 months to get lots of books and read up on the --- er, "joys" of raising a foal. Get ready, an untrained 100+ pound baby is coming into your life with a mind of its own. ;-)

    1. Why 12 months of pregnancy? Why non 9?

    Baby horses are a lot larger than baby humans (100 pounds +), plus they need to stand up and walk within an hour of being born.  So, God let's 'em cook in mama's belly a bit longer.

    2. Who gets to keep the foal?

    Usually, although I have a hunch this breeding was anything but "usual", before a mare is bred, the mare's owner pays the stallion's owner a "stud fee", which also guarantees a live birth.  The foal then belongs to the mare's owner.

    3. What if my equestrian center has no vet?

    All equestrian centers should have vets!  Maybe it's time to move?  Your mare will need some prenatal vet care, however, horses generally do not need assistance giving birth, especially if this is not the mare's first foal.  (Forget all the movies you see with someone yanking on the foal's hooves to "assist" the mare, this can actually do more harm than good.  Just leave her be and let nature take it's course.)  You should set up a foal watch when the due date nears and have a vet's 24 hour number to call in case complications arise.

    4. How can I get a scan to tell me if it's a boy or girl?

    You mean colt or filly.  Very few vets have portable sonogram machines.  Those that have them charge a pretty penny for these services, so I suppose you could have it done, but it would probably cost at least $350 if not more.

    5. If I know a friend (in the game) that's a vet, can she/he help deliver?

    In the game?  Does the game include a sonogram machine? OK, honestly I don't quite know what "the game" means, but see answer to question #3.

    Good luck!

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