
Howrse level 8 answers!!!???

by  |  earlier

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The whole list of them please???

And I don't want any riding experts saying I should be bothered to find out myself, as that is what I am doing now.




  1. I have all the new version riding level answers on my EC forum.  My name on there is also cjandkids.  Good Luck!

  2. i'm not exatly sure what you want to know can you please refrase it.thank you

  3. This isn't finding out for yourself...this is cheating!  Having other people give you the answers!

  4. i have them in my EQ Forum ( user nme = debarch) (EQ= Debarc's Care) some may be wrong due to glitches and version 2

  5. You are cheating.  I do not know this course you are refering to but I would not give you the answers if I did!

  6. i just made a baby horse on there...and i dont know what to do!!!

    the game is so confusing!!

    but ill try and find the answers and come back to put them up when i get em=]]


    # What is the disadvantage of neat's foot-oil?

    it wears the stitches prematurely

    # In the meadow, a new horse introduced in a herd is most often:

    violently rejected

    # An adjusted saddle:

    does not touch the withers at all

    # Which of these bones is part of the carp joint?

    The pisiforme bone

    # What is the sequence of placing down limbs in canter left?

    Back right; right diagonal; front left

    # Which of these figures comes under the two-track work?

    Shoulder inside

    Push it

    # A windgall is:

    a small defect

    # Leather is a material:


    # Chestnuts are:

    the fruits of the chestnut tree

    the traces of an old additional finger that horses had in prehistoric times.

    # One of my club's horses, at eating time, is not eating and is fussy:

    It's undoubtedly serious, I'll notify an instructor

    # The Boulonnais, at the end of the 19th century, was improved with Arab blood. But why?

    To make them quicker and enable them to get to Paris in record time.

    # Check all the elements of the saddle:

    the flaps

    the cantle

    the blades

    the sweat flaps

    # To smooth out the leather, the saddler uses a sleeker - a tool generally made in:


    # The equipment (saddle + bridle) must be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated every:


    # Who was the first rider of Pegasus?


    # What is top stitching used for?

    to reinforce the stitches

    # What is the little "pin" of a buckle called:

    the tongue

    # Check the right statements:

    the dressage saddles have longer flaps than the hurdle saddles

    the western saddles can have two straps

    there are multipurpose saddles

    # Leon Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was also a horse man; he was still riding at 75.


    # The saddler is a job that has disappeared today


    # Saddles have eyes:


    # The capriole, a famous figure of the horses of the Cadre Noir (Black Squad) of Saumur

    consists of a jump during which the horse bucks. Why was it invented?

    To prepare the cavaliers for the tough shakes of combat

    # What is a tanner?

    the person who prepares the leathers for the harness maker

    # The harness makes saddles, bridles, harnesses - a more sophisticated job than the saddler


    # Fjord pony's manes naturally grow short.


    # The "round knife" is also more often called:


    # What coat has mixed, three-color hairs?


    # The saddle's skeleton is named:

    the tree

    # Check all the right answers:

    Horses are gregarious animals

    Horses are animals built for running away.

    # The harnessing leather is normally looked after:

    with glycerine soap

    # The Isabelle coat owes its name to:

    Isabelle-the-Catholic, having pledged in the 1491 Grenada siege,

    not to change her shirt until the end of the seige, hence the "dirty" colour

    # It's sunny, -10°C, the bit of ground I am on is a good clear path, there are no stones, my horse is calm. I can gallop.


    # What is a mash?

    food that is a treat for horses

    # The "paring knife" is used to:

    thin out the piece of leather

    # Above all, leathers are sensitive to:


    # In each molting period, horses are more tired and vulnerable than usually.


    # There are synthetic bridles:


    # The saddle stone:

    is found in the box on Equideo when you don't really know what it is

    (not sure of this answer...)

    # To sew, the saddler uses:



    hemp thread

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