
Hows does respiration occur in plants??

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Hows does respiration occur in plants??




  1. air and sun lights

  2. This is completely not from me so let's thank the person on the site this was answered.

    The respiration in plants is continuous day and night. The oxygen from the air spaces in the leaves and stems diffuses into tissues and cells of the plants after getting dissolved in the film of water present over the cells. In the cells this oxygen oxidizes the carbohydrates and other organic compounds into carbon dioxide and water to produce energy. Some ratio of carbon dioxide is used in the process of photosynthesis. The rest of carbon dioxide and some of the water (vapors) collect in the air spaces from where they pass out to the exterior through lenticels and stomata.

    The water produced in this process also becomes a part of already present water in the body of plants. The process of oxidation or respiration in plants consists of many enzymatic reactions. This process occurs at a faster rate in the parts of the plants having rapid growth like growing seeds, buds, apical meristem of roots and shoots, because these parts require more energy to accomplish the growth process. The gaseous exchange in plant is not very evident during the day time as the products of respiration i.e. carbon dioxide and water are the reactants in the process of photosynthesis. So, the carbon dioxide and water produced in the respiration are utilized in photosynthesis, occurring in the day light.

  3. through leaves

  4. okay first the plants obtain the water through the roots.

    through osmosis the water diffuses into the stem of the plant and enters into the xylem.

    with the use of water's two properties [cohesion and adhesion] the water flows up the plant from high concentration of water[which is around the roots] to the leaves of the plant [which have low concentration of water]. this is also called, osmosis gradient.

    so cohesion is the attraction of like substances, this  is what keeps the water together so they travel like a chain upward. adhesion is the attraction of unlike substances; this is what keeps  water pulling upward on the narrow tubing of the plant. together the water travels upward into the leaves.

    once in the leaves, the water leaves through the stomata, or the opening usually used for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxied.

    Factors like humidity, wind and heat effect the respiration in levels or the amout of water that exits the water, depending on which factor.

    plant respiration is part of the reason why you see water, or dew as we know it, on plants in the morning it not because of water from the outside but from leakage through the stomata.

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