
Hows the best way to get ripped without weights?????

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 dunbells, 15lbs each. only




  1. You can use soup cans (full of soup of course) for weight.

    8 oz = 1 lb

    16 oz = 2 lb

    24 oz = 3 lb

    32 oz = 4 lb and so on

    Also, pull ups, chin ups, push ups are all great exercises to work the arms, shoulders, biceps, and back.  Play around with hand placement (narrow/military style, standard and wide) for push ups and such.  Each work a little different area.  Best of luck!

  2. Dumbbells are weights so use them.

  3. This is the routine I used when I was younger and could not afford weights.  I am super-buff now.

    - Mow the lawn with a hand-pushed mower.  This is great for your pectorals.  

    - Get an axe and chop firewood.  This is great for your triceps.

    - Stack the firewood high.  This is great for your quadriceps.

    - Get a shovel and dig out weeds.  This is great for your biceps.

    - Plant peas where you have dug out the weeds.  All the bending over is great for your hamstrings.

    - Paint the house or paint a fence.  This is great for your deltoids.

    - Walk the dog at a brisk pace or run alongside the dog.  This is great for your heart.  You should do this 2-3 times a day.

    There are so many great ways to get ripped!  Vacuuming, raking leaves, shoveling snow, taking out heavy bags of garbage!  I suggest you try them all and you will see a tremendous difference.

  4. you can jog around your nieghbor hood or you can do pushups and or you can go to the gym and get on a tredmill or you can do sit ups or just like your average every day exercises

  5. very easy.

    run 2 miles at 6-8 mion pace a day.

    1 gallon of water a day.

    protein shake 3X day 40g each.

    40 pull ups. split up through day 20 at a time

    200 push ups split up

    400 sit up/crunches

    clean diet- fish, chicken, veggies, whole grains(rice, bread, etc.)

    very easy to do just do this for like 4-6 months and u will have results

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