
Hows the weather in hannover germany in the month of march?

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Planning to visit CeBIT, hows the weather at that time




  1. Here's some official data for Hannover:

    Averages for MARCH

    Average High Temp  46 °F

    Average Morning Humidity  85%  

    Average Low Temp  34 °F  

    Average Afternoon Humidity  66%  

    Average Mean Temp  41 °F  

    Typical Sky Cover  OVERCAST  

    Average Dew Point  33 °F  

    Average Windspeed  13 mph

    Average Wind Direction  W    

    Daily Counts

    Days With Precipitation  23

    Days With Snow  7  

    Days With Thunderstorms  1  

    Days With Lows Below Freezing  13  

    Days With Fog  16  

    Days above 90° F (32.2° C)  N/A  


    Record High  75 °F  

    Record 24-hour Snowfall  N/A  

    Record Low  -0 °F  

    Record Monthly Rainfall  N/A  

    Record Wind Speed  51 mph

    Have fun in Hannover and make sure you check out the Altstadt. :)

    For some more info on the city, see:

  2. I'm from North Germany and I also visited Cebit several times. The weather is not really predictable. Be prepared for winter weather as well as for spring weather. At the moment it seems that spring will be early this year, but experience says this can still entirely change and winter can come back with force.

  3. I live near Hannover - and weather can be windy & rainy in March, but sometimes also sunny, but still cool, sometimes even frosty and chilly.  Be sure to have an umbrella with you, some warm clothes.

    Before you fly to Germany, you can check some German weather websites, here are some:

    Or go to and check the German weather forecast there.

    Note: all temperatures there are in Celsius, not Fahrenheit!

    Greetings from Germany! :-))

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