
Hows this for a diet plan?

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2 weight loss pills from doctor

2 Chinese slimming teas

2 oz prune juice

8 oz weight loss mrp shake


1 weight loss pill from doctor

2 chinese teas

2 oz prune juice

medium grilled chicken salad w/1/2 handful of pasta and 2 tsp ranch


2 oz prune juice

8 oz chocolate mrp shake

2 apple cider teas

snacks --- i only choose 3 of them by the way

fiber 1 bar 4 oz water

popcorn 7 oz water

sunchips 7oz water

whole wheat slice of bread w/ small dab of mayo 8 oz water

raisin bran w/2 oz 2% milk

special k protien bar 4 oz water

apple w/skin 2 oz water

pear w/skin 2 oz water

1/2 mango 2 oz water


yogurt 5 oz water

i dont know what to do anymore lol

any suggestions??

as you can tell most of my daily intake are beverages any foods i can take that wont weigh me down alot ?




  1. A lot of experts disagree on this point, of whether to eat more for meals and cut out snacks entirely, or eat a little bit throughout the day.

    I personally believe in eating more during meals, and cutting out snacks all-together, because it can be easy to lose track of the calories. Include some of the fruit as a sort of dessert for you dinner, and make the whole wheat bread go with your lunch.

    I just think you're going to be starving by your second breakfast with your measly dinner. You're not gonna get to sleep.

  2. seriously the best thing to lose weight is running. It sucks but if you can run 5miles maybe every other day its great.

  3. Dude im a nurse and im not seeing any of the major food groups- where is the meat, veggies, milk you should not try to survive off of this diet it seems very unhealthy!!! IF u dont believe me email that to ur doctor!

  4. Consult your doctor. That's a bad diet plan. You need all food types, you should look at a food pyramid. Start with a bigger breakfast too, it kickstarts your metabolism in the morning!

  5. i think u are making your body do way 2 much and maybe u should eat regularly and  do lots of sports and i gain like a pound a month and  eat like a man

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