
How's your legal cover?

by John Ledger  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Hello Lou,
My name is John Ledger, the Media Manager for the RFL. I write in response to your blog in which you state that "Steve Ganson... got into an argument with a lady, and when the lady’s mother tried to calm the situation down, she was punched in the face by Ganson. He was drunk at the time and did not realise that the poor lady was so old; she ended up with a broken pelvis, a broken shoulder blade and multiple cuts and bruises. Ganson was arrested and cannot continue with his refereeing duties until the case is sorted out.

Can I point out the following:
1 - Steve Ganson has not been charged with any criminal offence.
2 - On what basis do you state that 'Steve Ganson was drunk at the time'
3 - Steve Ganson has not been stood down from refereeing duties.

Not only is your blog dangerously inaccurate, it is also defamatory and actionable as well as potentially prejudicial to an ongoing police investigation.

Unless you are able to produce irrefutable proof that Steve Ganson did what you state as fact, I trust you will take the appropriate action within the next few hours to correct or remove the offending paragraph and save me the trouble of referring the matter to the RFL's legal department.






  1. John why don't you mind your own business

  2. Missed this blog - what's it about?
  • How's your legal cover?
    Hello Lou, My name is John Ledger, the Media Manager for the RFL. I write in response to your blog in which you st...
    Category: Rugby League | Answers: 2

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This question has 2 answers.


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