
Howto be or what old do you have grade do you have to be to apply for a grant?

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Howto be or what old do you have grade do you have to be to apply for a grant?




  1. Okay, you win the prize for most unintelligible question of the evening.

    My first response is only ...


    Did you even read that before you submitted it?

    Let me see - I think you're asking what you need to do to qualify for a grant - presumably for college.

    The only reliable source of "grants" are the federal government, the state governments and the schools themselves. Grants are a form of "need-based" aid, which means that they're only available to students from families of very modest means.

    I think the best thing you can do is to start out by reading the booklet that I've attached below. It's a US Department of Education pamphlet called "Funding Education Beyond High School: The Guide to Federal Student Aid". The nice thing about this booklet is that it explains the whole financial aid picture - grants, scholarships, loans, work study - everything you need to know.

    You'll learn how to apply for all of these financial aid programs, what the eligibility rules are, and how much money is available to the students who qualify.

    Check it out, and you might want to recommend it to your parents, too. I'm going to warn you, up front, that you're probably going to need help from your mom and dad to pay for anything more than just the cheapest possible education (community colleges, for example).

    Good luck to you - I hope that I successfully guessed your question, and was able to provide some useful information.

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