
Howto get rid of the bees in by backyard shack?

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Well, theres is a little shack in my house. Its made out of metal on the outside. on the door handle which i will say plastic, theres lots of bees hovering it and laying there. it is a headache to me. please help me to get rid of them.





  1. You need to be sure whether they are bees or wasps.

    Depending where you live, they may be killer bees.

    Check with your township/county office for an expert.

  2. Contact your County Extension Office for local advice.  Their phone number should be in the phone book under county government.  Specialists at this extension may even give you a specialist in bee removal.  In some cases the bee remover removes the bees for free, so ask.  In my county the famous bee remover sells the bees he catches to beekeepers who are always looking for new hives to create.  The bee remover gets paid in honey, and he makes very good honey.

    Make sure what you have in your shack are indeed bees.  With the current Colony Collapse Disorder going around in commerical bee hives, bees may become an endangered species soon.  Bees are necessary for over 25% of most foods we eat, from ice cream to pecan pie.

    Sounds like the bees, if that is indeed what they are, are attracted to moisture in your shed.  But are they making your shack into a hive?  They may be just "swarming" and resting in your shack while members of the hive are scouting out a new place to create a new hive; having left the old hive due to oversprawl.

    If you see the bees making cones for a hive, then that means that they are moving into your shack and you must prevent them from doing so.

    If you have Killer bees, beware.  Killer bees are very aggressive and will attact intruders up to a half-mile away.  So if you tick off a Killerbee, you better hold the world record in the 5000m.

    I also suggest you don't wear dark clothing around those bees.  Bees think anything black is either a bear or a skunk, animals that are known to raid beehives.  

    I definitely do not recommend using poison of any kind.  Only as a last resort.

  3. One time outside of a grocery store I saw a 2 liter bottle (ex. soda bottle) filled with honey and poison. make this trap then just set it where the bees are.

    Be careful.

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