
Howw does specialization lead to a higher production?

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Howw does specialization lead to a higher production?




  1. specialisation improves information by diectly affecting learning process. It means higher retention of information and relation(lab envoirnment) and better incentives to put in time or learning, cutting on learning time, bla bla..

    thus process innovation is possible which may or does lead to improved efficiency, cutting on costs and wastage. This is called Human Capital Accumulation.This is a part of worker as opposed to physical capital.  Bsides specialisation enables(and requires) well defined work charts and processs chains which nvolve large capital outlay, which is again possible due to lower costs of ovarheads lik wasteage, supervision etc. This factory system leads to larger product. Remember efficiency wae model of general motors?

    this would increase demand as well somewhere in the market, but thats again a..................................

    bland joke!

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