
Hpw can I resist the temptation to pick at my skin and spots?

by  |  earlier

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It's getting really bad like an addiction. It may sound stupid but I do it all the time even sometimes without realising. My skin is ruined, it's scarred and bumpy and I could easily sit in front of a mirror all afternoon picking my skin until it bleeds. Please help me it's taking over my




  1. wear an elastic band on your hand every time your tempted to pick your face pull the elastic away from your arm and release  XD lol you wont want to pick your face again!!!!!!

  2. ugh, i had that problem too and it sucks. i still do it occasionally but when i start to i try putting socks or gloves or something on my hand so that i wont and then i'll stop. My sister helps a lot to cuz when she sees me doing it she slaps my hand... lol.  

  3. right these might sound weird but they do work i had the same problem and my mate told me every time i wanted to pick my spots to scratch me head or something like that and it does work or go for a jog keep your hands busy and keep your mind on something else soon you will stop!!!

  4. Wear boxing gloves........

  5. I had the same problem for years. The problem is, picking and squeezing creates more spots :( boo!

    My way to deal with it was to put my mirrors in a place where it is uncomfortable to squeeze and pick. IE above my bath so the only way to get to the mirror is to look at myself sideways on! My skin really cleared up after just a couple of weeks though not without neck ache!

  6. The first thing you need to do is, every time you're about to walk over to a mirror, dont !!! just dont!! when your washing your face or hands have the lights turned off so that you are not tempted to seeing any of the spots and picking. Picking only makes it worse. You have to learn to ignore the spots and let them heal. Time heals everything, just be patient. Dont make it worse. ...  

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