
Html code that will block firefox users to view the webpage?

by  |  earlier

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Please help get html code or javescript, that will not allow firebox or safari user to view the website.

only internet explorer users can view the page

because content of my site won't work with internet explorer.




  1. This is always down to very bad code. You are disallowing yourself a very large percentage of the internet visitors if you do this. Most people will NEVER return to a site which stops them viewing it first time.

  2. You dont need to block them. just make sure it says somewhere in the web site that the content only works in IE.

  3. so it doesn't work in IE ("content of my site won't work with internet explorer") and you want to block mozilla and safari users. who do you want to see it?

  4. That certainly doesn't make any sense, but, to answer you question, HTML will definently not work.  Try this site

  5. I wholeheartedly agree with Jeff E.  Learn to code to HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1 Standards instead of blaming a popular browser that is the ONLY browsers that meets most of CSS2.1 Standards.

    You probably don't have a proper doctype and your coding is loaded with errors and Firefox is showing your site as it is truly coded. Without a doctype, you throw all browsers into Quirks Mode, even IE, but IE is such a sloppy parser of web pages that it tolerates bad code.


  6. Your thinking on this matter makes no sense whatsoever. Since your pages do not work in Firefox or Safari, I can be certain that your coding is absolute garbage, and probably just barely works in IE. The solution is not to block other browsers from viewing, but to brush up on your skills big time and make your pages up to valid code standards.

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