
Hubby drinks a lot while on deployment when their in port

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His on a 6 month deployment now, he was recently in port in guam ended up spending alot on alcohol...and left me and my kids with no money...then he told me he doesn't want to care about me anymore and would only want to focus on being a good father to ur kids...what can I do???




  1. In Guam alcohol isn't the only thing a bad husband can spend his money on.

    Hope for your sake he used a condom.

    what to do ? - time for a divorce.

  2. sounds like he may have found someone might want to pack up and leave...look for a lawyer.  When they start talking like that there is something else going on other than the booze....

  3. he obvisously doesnt care about being a good father if left you and the kids with no money. i think you should get away from the situation, and use the legal route

  4. I agree, look for a lawyer. He seems like an unfit husband so why stay with him, if you stay together for the kids sake things might be worse or them to grow up in a house hold with 2 parents that can stand each other, or with one that's an alcoholic.

  5. Look up Lawyer in the yellow pages. They will even make him pay for your lawyer. The lawyer will have him like a puppet through the Navy. Let the lawyer know he wants to be a good father. Now get to it.

  6. I would put your self in his situation, He is deployed and very stress out he does not want to worry about you cheating on him whole he is over there.. thats all us soldiers think about... Its extra stress... It makes a mission hard to do when we are thinking about what are spouses are doing with Jody...You have to be there for him, and convince him that he is the only one...

    thats just coming from my personal life

    thank you  

  7. Well I guess he is either Navy or a Marine? I would never advocate a divorce. However, I'm sure the Navy has assets to help you get the support you need. JAG can help you garnish pay so you and the kids can survive. Go to Community Services and tell them what is going on. They will point you in the right direction. He needs to be reminded that being a good father does not include letting his kids go hungry. Good luck and I wish you the best!

  8. Sounds like he met a juju girl. If he comes home with a wife don't be surprised.

    The best thing you can do is get yourself a lawyer.

    I take it he's in the Navy?

    You better play "beat him to the bank" on payday so your kids can eat. This happened to my friend. Her husband was in Iraq and he spent all her money and she had NOTHING for their 3 kids. She called his rear detachment and they ripped him a new one. I can't say it didn't happen again, but it slowed down to a crawl.

  9. Get a divorce. What do you mean what can you do? If he said he don't care about you divorce him take the kids and let him pay child support. Oh yea and you will have to get a job.

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