
Hubby problem help please?

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My step daughter was at school today, my niece walked by her and said "HELLO" . Then my step daughter said F*** you I don't need this SH** leave me alone. I think she was way way out of line. My husband asked her not to say bad words and that's it!! I think she should be punished and needs to say sorry to my niece. Now he is mad at me saying I need to get over it. This is not the first time shes talked like that to others and me and he looks they other way. Shes 16 she knows better.




  1. You need to tell your husband to let you do what you have to in order to get that girl in line. First she should have everything taken out of her room and from her for a month. Computer, cell phone, TV, ipod and anything else. She can't go out on weekends for a month that right there will kill her.

  2. well its quite obvious where ur step daughter gets her dirty language from, if ur husband could just over look it as though its nothing, thats just very inappropriate for her to say to anyone, and if ur hubby can just shrug it off like yesterday's news then that just shows what kind of a standard he's setting for her.

  3. He thinks she should be punished for saying bad words?  What, is she 5?  I dont care if the other kid bared her @ss to her.  There is no call for that fowl language in the home.

    At 16 you need to take the bull by the horns.  If she has been taught better and still talks like a sailor, its time for a good-old-fashioned-chop-buster smack in the mouth.  Its guaranteed to stop back talking, hissy fits, smart mouth, cussing, swearing, blasphemy, know-it-allness, and $hit talking.  Just apply liberally to the affected mouth as needed for the aforementioned symptoms.  It may, however, require several applications to acheive the desired results.  

  4. I know what your saying I have three step children. You'll have to take matters in your own hands, or it will only get worse.

  5. She's daddy's little girl, it's cutomary for daddy to turn a blind eye to his daughters bad behaviour.  Daddy really just wants to live in a fantasy world where she is still the 8 yr old girl that thought the world of him, as long as she lets him believe that he will never see any bad in her.

    If you want her punished and to apologize, your going to have to do it yourself.

  6. Your step daughter has major attitude issues that can be due to the fact that she sees her father with his new family and feels left out - No it is not an  excuse but realize this, anyone hearing her will not blame you but look at her with a questioning mind and will look at her father with the thought that he is the one who has failed as a father + her own  mother

    I suggest that yo IGNORE her totally, be reserved as well as firm and  curt and  leave the habit of telling your husband Maybe He feels the guilt I don't know if he is divorced or a widower) so the  guilt could be that the initial family was torn apart and  he feels responsible!

    Take it easy , it cant  be easy for the 16 year old Look beyond her behavior and  see if you have it in your heart to understand

  7. If I caught my daughter speaking like that (especially to a family member) she wouldn't have a privilege left in the world for quite some time...and I still stand by the tried and true method of washing a foul mouth out with soap!  Your husband needs to man up and start being a better parent.

  8. Well, that was your call to take control and discipline the step daughter,,, if she is living with you then she needs to respect your terms of manners, and if it were me in your position i would have said to her myself she can apologise for speaking that way to a family member as opposed to waiting for the father to do anything.

  9. You have to do it yourself. But play a best-friend role at it. Do not attack her for saying bad words. Ask her what did your niece do to her. Try and sound like you're on her side. Then ask her why she said what she said. She might actually have a reason. Otherwise, you can ask her if it was an appropriate thing to say. DO NOT PUNISH but instead leave a warning, especially if this is your first attempt to rectify the situation, let her know that it was not acceptable and privileges will be taken away if it is repeated and that you're serious.

    With hubby, let him know that if not corrected these problems may not stop or become bigger and that he shouldn't let his daughter be hated by others, cos that's what other ppl are feeling. Let him know that you'll handle the situation now, but if presist, you need him to agree with you and be on your side.

  10. When it comes to your step daughter your husband sounds like a little sissy...She is in control of your husband..I would have beat the **** out of her, but you know what it's alittle to late for that because she should have been taught at an earlier age how to respect people.She has him wrapped around her little finger that's why she does what she does because she knows nothing will happen to her. I feel sorry for you because unless your husband put his foot up her @ss it's only going to get worst.

  11. I would like to be able to give you some advice in this area but, its probably to late. I personally have separated myself from the discipline aspect of the relationship with my step daughter. Her mother lets her walk all over her and feels she should be more as a friend than a parent. So I am guessing your hubby is doing the same. Good luck!

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