
Huckabee just attacked the left for criticizing Palin. I think that proves the GOP is finished, Don't you?

by Guest10723  |  earlier

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I think they are just figuring it out that they are LOSING BADLY!




  1. We're just getting started.  Fasten your seat belt,it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

  2. To be fair, Huckabee has also criticized the right for attacking Obama's church.

  3. oh man some of u guys lol unreal

  4. Sure.  They're finished.  Thanks for your enlightened and brilliant observation.  Where would we be without you to guide us?

  5. Did he also mention the time McCain made fun of Hillary's daughter by calling her ugly and saying Janet Reno was her father?

  6. How about attacking McCain for not vetting her in the first place.....

  7. Yes he did.

    He also condemned Presidents Bush and Reagan for spending too much and out of control Gov. growth.

    It sure wasn't Clinton he was talking about.

    Guess since McCain wants to stay the course economically, he is also lying about his support.

  8. He also just insulted poor people.

  9. Don't you know? You can't criticize her because she's a woman, just like you can't criticize McCain because he's a POW.

  10. he is a hillbilly from arkansas  I don't heart Huckabees

    Notice all the white people...where are all the races at....Mc Cain represents rich white people and not America

  11. The harshest criticism I have heard regarding the selection were from two long time Republican strategists. They were caught on mic bashing the selection of Palin

    The strategy for Republicans is obvious. Make her out to be a victim of horrendous attacks by a media that wants to destroy her and every member of her family. It is a coordinated effort. Hannity and I are in on it.

  12. yes they are done i haven't seen anything that will sway me or  any  independents in voting for theses warmongering idiots the republicans can't even fill that  small building their having the RNC convention in it's so dam lame .lmao

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

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