
Huffy omni-10 road bike.?

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i just acquired (for free) a huffy omni-10 road bike. i decided im going to restore is for my girlfriend. in any case can anyone tell me about the bike. any thing i might not know or i might find helpful. what year it is maybe? it has shimano skylark drive train components. i think the brake levers were dia-compe but the brakes look generic. the bike is blue with blue tires and blue cable housings. the wheels look small but im not sure what size as the dry-rot has ruined the tires.

i know this isnt a high-quality bike so dont feel bad about telling me its a cheapo, im aware. other than that i just want to know anything i can about it. thanks!




  1.  I found one in the trash last night it needs tires but not in bad shape 



  2. Hey, I am doing the exact same thing as him and I find the frame, bearings, and other main components to be plenty acceptable for a campus bike. It is good to see other people recycling older bikes like we are. h**l I think that Free (what I also paid) is a great starting price , especially for a college bike (chance of getting stolen). Also by purchasing some other accessory type parts it can be made into a great bike for little dough.

  3. the tire size is 26 x 1 3/8  i bought mine brand new in 1985 and my tires and the bike are still good.  it is not a high quality bike but if taken care of it will do it's purpose.

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