
Huge Boil underarm. What to do? To Avoid Lancing!?

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Does anybody know any herbal remedies or home remedies to get rid of a boil that is recurring under my arm. The second time it came back bigger and its taking a long time to go away. Its getting worse. How do you get rid of it fast without going to get it lanced.




  1. it sounds like hidradenitis suppurtiva which is like a acne for the arm pits.... the problem is that it can develop into an abscess.  From what your describe, you have an abscess... it will unfortunately need to be lanced and drained.  There are no herbal or over the counter remedies.

    Your best bet is to see your doctor soon... and in the mean time use warm compresses. keep the surface well cleaned.

    Sorry.   Doc T-    Peace

  2. Go to a doctor.  Asking for medical advice on Yahoo Answers is like begging for malpractice.  

  3. I agree (not the answer you wanted) but see an MD they may not lance it but will give you the proper antibiotics to help clear it up.

    It's a sign of MRSA so be careful.

  4. I cannot stress this enough... do NOT try home remedies or herbal remedies. You must see a doctor about it.

    Boils can make you very ill very fast... it is not something to mess with.

    Only your doctor should take care of the boil.

  5. there is not a way to avoid it u should just go and get it taken care of at the doctor

  6. IT sounds like a case of folliculitis which is infected hair follicles its very painful so here is a link that will help you get some relief.

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