
Huge Spider, need kill, cant touch.?

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There is a huge huntsman spider in my hallway and I cant get to my room, or the bathroom. Im arachnaphobic and I cant smash it or spray it. I can barely even look at it from a meter without freaking out.

Is there a way to kill it without touching it.




  1. Please don't kill it.

    Try this: close your eyes, then walk down the hallway. Slap on the walls as you walk (keeping those eyes closed!) but DON'T try to "aim" for the poor dearie.

    When you get to the end of the hall, spidey will be hiding and you won't have to worry about it any more.

  2. 2 words-Fly swatter

  3. suck it up with the vacuum

  4. Trap it in a big cup, cover opening with a book, lid etc.

    Don't look at it, hurl it outside! Bingo!

  5. Don't kill huntsmen, they're harmless to humans and eat insects like flies and mosquitoes which carry diseases that can kill humans. Treatment for your phobia is available. You can't kill everything that frightens you.

  6. Get a flyswatter and kill it that way.  If need be, tape the handle of the flyswatter to a long stick so you'll be a good distance away from it, not having to be too close.  Then, with a good swat, you got it - lol.  I'm an arachnophobiac myself - terrified of spiders, so I can totally relate to your fear.

  7. The vacuum cleaner will do it. Don't let others make you feel guilty about it, you are more important in the scheme of things than a spider.

  8. I suck them up with the extension hose on the vacuum.

  9. ooh too late, its gone..which means it can find a way to get into your bedroom while your sleeping

  10. use vacuum cleaner? kinda run up to it and put a big transparent bowl over it to keep it contained? if you do that it cant get out and you can get someone to come and get it

  11. You're gonna have to do something to feel better. I always get som ekind of smelly cleaning spray. That will slow him way down. Then get a nieghbor or family member to do the hard part

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